Weekly To-Do List

This blog post is inspired by something I saw on the Today Show. The guest was giving make-up tips. One of her tips was to take out all your make up and throw away anything that you haven’t used recently, only keeping things you actually use. I’ve heard this type of advice before in regards to closet organization: only keep things in your closet that fit, and things that you wear.

I think this is great advice, and I’ve been trying to apply this type of organization in other areas of my life. I think part of this advice stems from being content and happy with who we are right now. So if right now you are a certain size, or into a certain style, let your environment reflect that. Clutter, especially clutter that reminds us of who we “were” or who we “want to be,” only sets up a roadblock to being content and happy with ourselves RIGHT NOW.

For me, that meant that during my pregnancy my closet was only filled with maternity clothes. No sense in looking at clothes that don’t fit, right? With an infant and toddler, it means mostly clothes that can withstand spit up, diaper explosions, and running around at the park. I also organized the girls’ dresser and closet to reflect only their current sizes and the current season. It makes it easier to quickly find outfits for the day as I get Ellie dressed on the run – meaning I’m usually dressing her as she is running around the house. Anyone else have a toddler?!!

Since I rarely have time to myself these days, I find that it is really hard to get anything done. I have so many interests, and instead of getting time to research, read, or practice, my interests just end up stressing me out. I started using an organizational method to keep me focused and reduce my stress. I put a white board on the wall in my office and made a “Weekly To-do List.” I wrote down every day of the week and wrote one interest per day. This is so helpful for me! If I get time to myself I usually don’t know what to do with it and end up wasting the time online. Instead, I check my weekly list and choose an activity based on the day. After I have spent some time on my focused activity I use the rest of the time for whatever sounds good that day. (This rarely happens!!). I’d love to have unlimited time to pursue my interests, but for now, my white board weekly schedule helps me stay happy and content with the time I do have.

Here is my weekly schedule. What should I add to Friday?

Here is my weekly schedule. What should I add to Friday?

Feeling content and happy in the here and now is not always easy. However, we can find small victories in every day that help us to be the best we can be right now!

How does organization help you be a better you?

Rach Signature48


  1. Annie B. on June 22, 2013 at 6:59 pm

    Friday = Eat Frozen yogurt Day!