The Perfect Mother’s Day Breakfast-Helping your Family Establish Wonderful Traditions

Mother’s Day is one of the BEST days of the year! BUT, it can also be one of the most stressful days of the year for Moms caught in the middle…..balancing celebrating your own mom, your MIL (if you are so blessed to have a MIL), and being the focus of your own family’s celebration. Allowing your immediate family to creatively organize your celebration is vital to “growing up” strong and responsible children. Releasing control of the “meals” for a holiday celebration may be challenging to many moms. So here are some suggestions that might make it easier for you to let go, relax and give your family the opportunity to celebrate you!

Besides hinting that a new plant for your garden might be just the perfect gift…..Here are a few tricks I have tried that make for a fabulous Mother’s Day in the food department. Have many of your favorite foods on hand and already prepared so the “surprise” breakfast in bed can actually include many of YOUR favorite things. (No offense intended towards all those well-meaning husbands and children that prepare their favorite pancakes, waffles, etc. to serve to their moms). I personally love fresh fruit, granola and yogurt, or muffins, scones and coffee (Peet’s of course) or even oatmeal with lots of toppings as my favorite picks for breakfast. I do love a great veggie omelet so if you have a hubby or kids that are so inclined…let them take a stab at that. Of course make sure all your favorite veggies are in the vegetable drawer. Or you can whip up a batch of our family’s favorite Easy Egg Bake and have it all ready made in the refrigerator for the family to cut, heat and serve on your “breakfast in bed” tray.

Here are links to some of our favorite breakfast recipes…..
Bran Muffins-
Egg Bake-

A few other ways to get the children involved in your celebration is to do some of  the cooking together while dad is at work. Let them do a good portion of the work and sing praises to your husband in the evening about how the kids helped bake or cook in preparation for everyone’s Mother’s Day celebration (even if you are not having the grandmas over). You can also have card making supplies on hand and start training your kids by having them create Mother’s Day cards for their grandmas, your neighbors or any significant moms that they know and love. I will always remember how special it was to receive Mother’s Day notes and cards or even a text message from a friend of one of my daughters. Encourage your kids to think of people (neighbors and friends who are moms, grandmas, aunties, great aunties) that they would like to bless. Especially moms whose children may be away at school or who live far away.

All of these ideas are helpful for busy husbands that desire to make Mother’s Day special. They are caught between celebrating their mom and celebrating their wife and the mother of their beloved children. So why not give them a hand, a bit of grace and a blessing to ease their busy schedule. The biggest part is that you are teaching your children the benefits of building traditions of celebrating others. This helps them develop a sense of serving, showing love to others and bringing blessings to those they love.

How do you like to celebrate Mother’s Day and what family traditions have you established to make that day the biggest blessing possible?