Posts Tagged ‘Mom’

Lessons I’ve Learned as a Mom…

No one can ever tell you exactly what it will be like to become a Mom. I became a first-time Mom just over a year ago and it has been quite the ride. I’m not going to lie and say I have loved every minute of it; it is a challenging job, but the moments of growth and joy that I get to see in my daughter make those tough moments/days/weeks/months so worth it! Here are a few lessons that I have learned along the way…

  1. I am Not in Control

The meaning to this is two-fold. I have had to learn that I have been blessed with this child and ultimately she is God’s daughter. He has entrusted me with her for the days He has numbered for her and in that time I need to continue learning how to not hold on too tightly. He has specific plans for her life and I hope that I can guide her along the way to always be looking for His leading. The other meaning which has been much more of day-to-day experiences has been the control I have in feeding and sleeping. I knew that I always wanted to breastfeed because I was taught that that would be best for my child, and its FREE. So, that was our plan. However, when we went in for her 4 month appointment and found out that she was in the 2nd percentile in weight even though I was feeding her 8-10 times a day, the plan had to change. We still aren’t sure if my supply decreased in the stress of our move or I just have not been blessed with a steady flow; either way, I had to accept that this was something that I could not control. I tried my …

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Must Have Products for New Mamas

This week, we are continuing to celebrate Moms – Woohoo!! Being a mom can be overwhelming and hard, and finding the “BEST” products can be even more overwhelming and hard! Today, I am going to share with you a few of my Must Have Products that I have loved as a new mom! These are products that I would call more of an investment – a few items that we spent the most money on, but also the products that we used the most, and probably more than we ever thought imaginable.


We have used our 4MOMS Playard more than I ever thought we would. When my daughter was first born, the playard is what she napped in and played in when we weren’t holding her so that we could easily see her while we worked around the house. Having her out in the living room also helped her to get acclimated to noise. In the last year, we have traveled with this to friends’ and grandparents’ houses, hotels and more – we never had to worry about where Sophie would sleep or the hassle of a long setup when we were away from home.

Here is what I love most about the 4MOMS Playard…

  1. It packs up really nicely and is light enough for me to carry on my own.

2. It is SO EASY and QUICK to assemble and breakdown! (Probably our FAVORITE part)

4MOMS Playard Demo

Click the link to see my demo that shows the base being assembled in less than 7 seconds!!

3. Sophie loved it!!

The top mattress bassinet allowed me to use it when she was little. As she grew, I simply took the top piece off to use the bottom mattress. She spent a lot of time in this and …

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