Sister Encouragement

I love having sisters and being able to share interesting and encouraging things with each other. Yesterday, Jess sent us a text of a photo with a few verses that were such a great reminder of how our Heavenly Father cares for us!

In God’s heart, you are…


“I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14


“The Lord has chosen you to be His treasured possession.” Deuteronomy 14:2


“He will take great delight in you…He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17


“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.” Jeremiah 31:3

Take these to heart and remember how much God loves you! Also, never forget how much a quick text can mean to someone! Even just a short hello or an encouraging Bible verse can make a huge difference!

Bekah Signature48  and Jess Signature48


  1. Suzanne Teuben on June 25, 2014 at 3:54 pm

    And every day I wear a necklace from Bethany with those four words on it! 🙂