Set Intentions–Find Refreshment

Our theme for this month is REFRESH.

Refresh can be defined as to provide new vigor and energy by rest, food, etc.

Here are two tips to find refreshment in your daily routine:

1. End each day with gratefulness.

We are using and amazing gratitude journal that is so helpful for journaling each day and it is filled with inspiring quotes! Take time to reflect on things you are grateful for and find refreshment in each blessing.

2. Set intentions for the next day

It is so important to be intentional about the way we spend our time. When we set intentions for our day we are more likely to follow through with our plans and find pockets of time to get things done. “Start each day with intention: make a simple plan and then follow through with it.” -Crystal Paine, author of “Choose Gratitude: Blessings Journal”

I know it is so easy to get lost in the business of the day, but when I have intentions or small goals it keeps me focused when I find a pocket of time. Ending each day with gratefulness also helps me to reflect on how I am spending my time. If I didn’t get to something on my list because I was living in the moment spending time with my kids, I don’t see that as something that got in the way of my plans. Instead, I can be grateful for that time and see the blessing of time spent with my children.

Be intentional about fitting these two tasks into your routine and see how your life is changed.

I love this paragraph by Crystal Paine in the introduction of her journal. She writes, “No matter what season of life you’re in or what burdens you’re carrying, there is always, always, always something to be thankful for. When you start looking for things to be thankful for, you often begin to notice many wonderful things you hadn’t before. And truly, living with an attitude of gratitude will not only transform your outlook-it just might change your entire life!”

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  1. Kim Ray on March 7, 2015 at 8:06 am

    thank you for the reminder! From your earlier post on gratitude I ordered a Gratitude Journal. It just arrived so I can now start to journal. I appreciate your encouragement.

  2. Kerry Weisser on March 10, 2015 at 9:31 pm

    Fantastic! I am so encouraged each day as I take time to see the ways God is working in my life all around me!