Reunions are a wonderful time to reconnect with family and friends. Reunions bring opportunities to grow deeper in interpersonal relationships as well as build new friendships. Great memories are made through activities that are planned, combined with spontaneous fun that just happens when family and friends gather.

This past week I had my 35th college reunion. To those of you that are young, that seems like such a long time since those college days, but as we stepped foot on campus and began to join in the fun activities, it was as if we had stepped back in time to 35 years ago. We kept talking about how awesome it has been to be able to pick back up every 5 years and reconnect. This reunion, people seemed less interested in bragging about all their accomplishments and more interested in sharing about life’s challenges and triumphs. Our class panel “It Happened on the Way to Life” focused on many of the unique twists and turns that had brought each panel member to the place they are today in their career and in fulfilling their dreams and passions. A question was asked “what has been the most difficult challenge you have faced and how did you cope and move on?” Great question! Great discussions began and continued throughout the remainder of our time together as people began to open up and share their deeper selves. We also had an opportunity to attend a round table discussion on “Happiness”. This panel topic provided another springboard for more sharing of hearts and lives.
My biggest take home lesson was that when opportunities arise to spend time making new memories, sharing fun experiences and deepening your relationships with friends and family-GO FOR IT- no matter what it takes, get to the events, JUST SHOW UP!!!

What made this reunion an excellent event was……
Organized but not mandatory schedule of events
Balance of planned activities and time for spontaneity.
Winning the football game!
Great food!
Just showing up and getting to listen to people’s stories of adventure, challenges, sorrows, joys and triumphs!

A great parallel can be made from a spiritual perspective…..when we approach life with an attitude of “anything can happen” and we are willing to take risks and just show up, there are endless possibilities for deepening and developing relationships with people. If we are willing to open up and be vulnerable we will find other people who want to share challenges, joys, sorrows and triumphs in their lives.

Next time you have an opportunity to attend a reunion, JUST SHOW UP and see what amazing things happen!
Kerry Signature48


  1. Judi Williams on October 24, 2013 at 10:26 am

    Hello, I really enjoyed reading this blog and then about your exciting plans. I hope to read more.
    Blessings, Judi W