Reorganize Your Thoughts on Fear

For the last month, I have had the opportunity to be apart of a group of women who are passionate about Jesus, living a healthy lifestyle, loving yourself and encouraging women around you in different aspects of their lives! One of the leaders of the group wrote a post about fear and included a devotion from The Proverbs 31 Ministries, a ministry devoted to helping women find, develop, and grow in their relationship with Jesus and become the woman that God created her to be! I was so encouraged by this post and devo, so I wanted to share it with all of you!

“Fear, in any form, is crippling and life threatening. But we must realize that fear does not come from the Lord. And if we entertain that fear, we are rejecting the peace and protection we have been given through Christ.

Where do you see/feel fear creeping up in your life? Is it in your job, your marriage, are you afraid for your kids? Or maybe you’re afraid to chase after your dreams and take a leap of faith?
Whether or not you pray or read a Bible, I encourage you all to read through theses mental shifts on how to overcome fear. Say them outloud whenever you feel fear sneaking up on you, and commit to no longer being controlled by it!!”   – Lori Lasco


Though we might not always be fearless, by praying specifically for qualities found in God’s Word, we can fear less. If you’re battling fear on any level or in any area of your life, I’d like to invite you to do the same.

Instead of praying that fear will be far from us, we can ask God to give us strong, bold and courageous hearts (Joshua 1:9) when fear comes near.

Instead of asking God to take away all fear, we can ask for His grace to run toward the big, scary things with great courage (1 Samuel 17:48).

Instead of praying that fear will leave us alone, we can pray that when we are afraid we will trust and have confidence in God (Psalm 56:3).

Instead of asking God to make all fear in our lives vanish, we can pray that His peace which surpasses all understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus and supersede all fear (see Philippians 4:6-7).

Praying this way changes us. It has changed me. I no longer make decisions based on fear. I recognize worst-case scenarios forming and instead of entertaining them I nip them in the bud. And I am moving forward in obedience to the things God has called me to do.

God doesn’t promise to always take away all our fears. Yet He gives us the power, love and self-discipline necessary to embrace His life-changing truth.
– Julie K. Gillies

Read the rest of today’s guest devotion as we move forward in courage:

What are your strategies when fear begins to cripple you?

Bekah Signature48


  1. Donna Hill on August 5, 2015 at 9:21 pm

    Hello Weisser Women!
    I have read your blog on many occasion but this is the first time I have left a reply. All of todays posts were inspiring however, Bekah, I must say that yours met me right where I have been seated for the last two days! Some of the scripture references were already highlighted in my bible but those that were not now have been highlighted in my turquoise colored pencil, standing out to my eyes and reaching into my heart, bringing peace to my weary fearful soul. I thank you for this gift.
    Blessings and smiles to each of you…
    Donna Hill