
Yesterday I was able to spend a few hours by myself in a new environment on a little vacation.  Usually in these situations I get really distracted by my phone, something back at home, or flooded with the list of to do’s… I can never fully enjoy where I am because my mind is in a completely different place. Which is a little selfish.  If I am so stuck in my own world that I can’t see beyond my own two feet, where is that going to get me. But yesterday I feel like I was able to take it all in. Just be. Be present. Be engaged. And don’t just coast, but live.

If I had been distracted by my own life yesterday I may have missed out on the interesting and unique culture I was visiting.  The people, the restaurants, the sights, the architecture, and the history.  People didn’t all just arrive and become who they are in their own worlds.  There is a history, a story, and a personality to each culture. It is an amazing experience to open your eyes and take it all in.

I could focus on the idea that rushes into my brain that I accomplished nothing at all yesterday.  Which may be partly true, but in that moment, it doesn’t have to matter. I was able to be me.  I was able to enjoy some time alone. I am the kind of person that doesn’t do nothing often. And I for sure do not do it well. When I have those few hours, I feel a little guilty. But I am not being useless. I need to be thankful for those moments and be refreshed. Life isn’t about just rushing around doing as much as possible in a short amount of time. Life is about taking it all in. It is about being in the moment.  Enjoying who you are.

So today, take a breath. As the day awakens and warms our heart and souls, have a moment. Be relaxed. Remind yourself that you like who you are, or who you are becoming. Pick something to be thankful for.  And be.

What are you thankful for today?

Bethany Signature48


  1. Diane Presley on August 7, 2014 at 9:28 am

    Thank you, Bethany. You are your mother’s daughter and a child of our LORD.