Passion Perspective Interview — Jana McAdams

Jana has a deep abiding faith in Jesus Christ. Her faith permeates every aspect of her life. For her Passion Perspective Interview we asked her how her faith has played a part of the journey of developing her Wormy business?


“In the summer of 2011, I was going to Egypt and Israel for Sports Ministry through the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), running sports camps for youth, majority of who were Muslim.  Our job was to provide coaching and encouragement to these youth, sharing Christ’s love without being able to mention Christ at all.  As I was planning, I tried to think of more creative ways to generate financial support.  After some thinking and bouncing ideas off of a few good friends, I decided to jump in head first and begin selling Wormies.  I had been thinking about how much that I loved to make Wormies, but honestly really nervous about trying to sell them.  I was ultimately scared of people’s responses and thought that I might actually fail.  The funny thing is that the exact opposite happened, I suddenly had way more orders than I ever would have imagined, and I was making Wormies like crazy that summer before I left.  Because I got such a great response, I decided to continue selling Wormies even after I got back, and have been going ever since.”


Jana at FCA Camp at UCLA as a Huddle Leader63037_888160147815_7374654_n

We asked what challenges, expected and unexpected, she faced while developing her business. Jana has been extremely busy with school and coaching over the past few years, so she replied, “I knew at one point that I would have too many orders or too much to do than I had time for at one point. I did not expect that I would be taking a hiatus from making Wormies because of being so busy, but in this “dead season,” I feel that it has been God’s grace because He knows what I can handle and the time that I have or do not have, and I do believe that He will bless and provide when the time starts up again to make and focus more on Wormies.”


Jana at Bekah’s Bachelorette Party at Disneyland

We also wanted to know about the expected and unexpected blessings she has experienced and she said, “I definitely expected people to support me and want Wormies, but I did not expect the extent to which people loved Wormies and encouraged and supported (and still continue to) in so many ways whether I am currently producing orders or not!”

We asked Jana about the wisdom she has learned from pursuing her passion that she would like to pass on to others.


Jana and Bethany at Bekah’s wedding

What tips would you want to share with others?
“If you have an idea, RUN with it. Don’t be afraid to just jump in and go for it, whether you will fail or not. It will be hard, you will be discouraged, and you will question yourself and your choice taking that first leap of faith.”

What were some of the positives and negatives you encountered while pursuing your dream?
“Positive: Getting to share your creativity and love of what you do with others and feeling affirmed in it!
Negative: It’s HARD! And the lofty ideals about how perfect it is all going to turn out are not realistic.”

What wisdom have you gained personally and how did it affect you?
“Don’t be afraid if your ideals are not turning out as you had hoped or planned to start out with, don’t be afraid to admit that it is hard and that you need help or that you do not know what you are doing. The whole process has honestly been really humbling and a good reminder that I can do none of this without The Lord’s help and provision.”


How you have grown in this process?                                                                                            “One area that I have definitely grown in is my fears: recognizing my fears, whether that be my fear of failing or fear of man; calling those fears out; and just continually combatting them with truth. I have also grown in my creativity with what I can and want to do in the future for this business.”

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  1. […] Read about Jana’s Passion Perspective Interview and her faith has played a part of the journey of developing her Wormy […]

  2. Sweet Scarlett | WORMIES by jana on July 29, 2014 at 1:31 pm

    […] of being featured on my friends’ blog.  If you missed it, you can check it out here or here.  The winner of the giveaway ordered this Wormy for baby Scarlett; check it […]