Passion Perspective-Getting to Know Pam (Metz) Larsen

Rachel has been meeting the coolest people in her community that have fascinating interests and passions…..
One of her new friends, Pam (Metz) Larsen, she met through FIT4MOM, a stroller based workout group. A few months after their friendship began, Rachel and Pam were surprised by their realization that they had gone to high school together. Rachel started to get to know Pam better and she found out that she uses Essential Oils-one of our new passions. Our interest in essential oils has been growing and we have all been learning about essential oils. We are so excited to feature Pam on our Passion Perspective Week so that we could share her wealth of knowledge about Young Living Essential Oils with you.
Here is a short bio of Pam:
“I was born on the east coast and moved a few times with my family. We eventually made our way down to Southern California where I now call home. I met my husband in college, 12 years later and we have two beautiful boys. I worked in the veterinary field for about 7 years after college, and then became a licensed cosmetologist, however I feel like my life became complete when I became a mom. I found my purpose.” IMG_5553Here is a beautiful picture of Pam and her family.

Here are some fun things we learned about Pam…….
Life Motto:
To be honest, compassionate and to cherish every moment with the ones you love.
Favorite food:
This week it’s probably fajitas.
Favorite dessert:
Frozen Yogurt with strawberries.
Favorite Disney character:
Loving The Lion King right now. Simba!
One thing you can’t live without:
Chapstick and my oils, of course.
Favorite book:
I don’t get too much reading done these days but I really liked Hunger Games.
One bucket list item:
I would love to go to Fiji.

We asked Pam to take us on her journey of getting involved with Essential Oils by Young Living, and what her original interest was and how it became a passion.

“I had a friend that kept posting on Facebook how these oils were helping her husband with headaches. I had recently had my thyroid out and was looking for a more natural way to help my family. I researched for a couple months and just finally pulled the trigger one day and bought my starter kit. I started small using oils when I had a headache, a stye, or wanted to relax at night. Soon after, I started making my own diaper cream, roll-ons to protect the kids during cold/flu season, laundry detergent and so much more. I can’t imagine ever going back to not using them. I started researching and trying to learn everything about essential oils in November, 2013. I finally jumped on board in February 2014.”

Check back tomorrow with us to hear about Pam’s decision to jump on board with an essential oils company called Young Living Essential Oils.

We will be having a raffle GIVEAWAY starting tomorrow so check back tomorrow to read the next post and sign up for our GREAT GIVEAWAY!!! 


  1. Jennifer Mercado on January 26, 2015 at 1:59 pm

    Way to go, Pam! These oils are life changer’s for us, too. I’m so happy to call you my friend, and I’m so proud of you!

    • Kerry Weisser on January 26, 2015 at 9:17 pm

      Thanks for coming to our website to read about Pam’s passion. I hope you will check back each day this week to read the rest of her interview and enter the giveaway!!!
      Rachel’s mom-Kerry Weisser

  2. donna metz on January 26, 2015 at 6:12 pm

    Your love and dedication to your family is beautiful.

    • Kerry Weisser on January 26, 2015 at 9:16 pm

      Hi Donna,
      So glad you came to our website to read about Pam. We are honored to feature her all week so check back each day to read more.I am so sorry that I used her maiden name. I am Rachel’s mom and a few of my daughters kept their maiden name on their email addresses as well because they had those emails before they were married so I assumed Metz was her married name-heehee. Hope you enjoy the week of Pam’s passion Perspective.
      Kerry Weisser