A Line and A Lighthouse-Passion Perspective

Our Passion Perspective for this month is featuring our very own Bekah Banihashemi and her journey of developing her ETSY shop, A Line and A Lighthouse and creating her first product, BANI BANNERS.

Today we will be getting to know a little bit more about Bekah…..

Bekah has always loved doing all types of crafts. She became an expert scrapbooker (her reason-“my mom jokes that I got tired of waiting for her to do my photo album scrapbooks. Since she was so busy by the time she had me- the 4th child- I just decided to make my own”) but with the expensive cost of supplies and the increase in technology, she now loves making photo books! Since becoming a wife, she has really begun to enjoy cooking and finding healthy recipes! Bekah’s love for gift giving combined with her passion for creating, designing and her creative flair inspired her first product, Bani Banners.
Bekah’s 3 sisters are the charter members of her fan club, here are their words of encouragement:
Rachel: “Bekah’s creativity comes straight from her heart and is evident in all she does. I love the way she can make an idea come to life and puts her own unique style into a finished project.”
Jess: “I am inspired by Bekahs thoughtfulness and genuine care for others. Her sweet spirit is evident to everyone around her. I admire her gifts and talents and how she is using them to bless others.”
Bethany: “Bekah is an all around rock star. Not only is she creative and crafty, but she is loving, compassionate, and giving. Mix those things and you get someone who is always thinking of others, making people feel loved, and really cherishing who people are on the inside. She pays attention to the details and is diligent worker, steadfast friend, and a inspiring woman of God. She gives and loves straight from her genuine heart.”

Her short bio:
“After graduating from APU, I spent the year doing some odd jobs, which included helping my mom organize their entire house for a huge summer garage sale and planning my DIY wedding. I never really knew exactly what I wanted for my wedding but once I started crafting and with a lot of inspiration from Pinterest, the ideas kept flowing!

A month after getting married, we moved to the Caribbean island of Grenada for my husband’s medical school. I know what you’re thinking…Living in Paradise, A Second Honeymoon… Yes, it was an amazing opportunity, but contrary to popular opinion, island living is a lot different than island vacationing. And, honeymooning where your husband studies, eats and sleeps 24/7 isn’t the kind of honeymoon most people want to go on 😉 . Don’t get me wrong, the beaches were BEAUTIFUL. I was able to do some crafting while there, but I definitely had to be creative with my ideas and supplies. There definitely were no Joann Fabric or Michaels, but I did find some very unique fabrics that were fun to bring home and had some fun crafting days with friends. We made the most with what we could find and we all became very resourceful during our time there!
However…Butter Drought. Those are the two words to describe one of the biggest challenges of living in Grenada – when all the food is imported, it’s quite expensive and sometimes just not there at all – we had months without butter, no milk for weeks, and the list goes on with all types of “TIG” (This is Grenada) moments :0
But, those beaches and sunsets and the friends we made and the life lessons we took away and the one year away from my husband holding that diploma makes it all worth it!

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We were placed in Southern California for my husband’s rotations where we are currently living in order to finish his third year of medical school. This will be our home base for his 4th year as well but there will be much more traveling around for rotations and interviews for residency! Then, we could be anywhere for residency. As you can see, we have a lot of unknowns ahead of us in the upcoming years, which was an inspiration to start my own business that will go with me wherever we move!”

Life Motto
“Don’t shine so others can see you. Shine so that, through you, others can see Him!” C.S. Lewis
Be Brave
Favorite food
Mexican or Mediterranean
Favorite dessert
Frozen Yogurt
Favorite Disney character
Princess Jasmine (I mean, I am married to my real life Aladdin 😀 )IMG_5744IMG_5745 IMG_5746
One thing you can’t live without
Chapstick…my husband is a close second 😉
Favorite book
Redeeming Love – Francine Rivers
Cold Tangerines – Shauna Niequist
Restless – Jennie Allen (Currently reading!)
One bucket list item
Travel to Greece
Favorite Bible verse
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

I always knew I wanted to have an Etsy shop but I never felt like I had something that I was passionate enough to make. My passion of becoming an auntie, now of 7(!), as well as becoming an “auntie” to even more little ones in my life has given my crafting a special meaning that it never had before. My heart is full of love for each of them just as each Bani Banner is made with love, one stitch at a time.

We would love you to come back each day this week to read all about Bekah’s journey creating her Etsy shop A Light and a Lighthouse, and her first product, Bani Banners. Enter our giveaway and you could use your discount coupon to become the proud recipient of a Bani Banner.               Check out Bekah’s Etsy shop at the link below:


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. […] 2 days of our Passion Perspective week, you can access both post by clicking these links. Day 1 https://www.growingweisser.com/2015/06/09/passion-perspective-2/ Day 2 […]