A Favorite Devotional by Loren — “If You Only Knew”

Here is one of Loren’s devotionals that is a favorite of many of her followers. If you are just today joining our Passion Perspective week featuring Loren Thornburg and her amazing talent for writing encouraging weekly devotionals….go back to the two posts before this one to learn more about Loren and her passion for writing.

If you only knew

If you only knew…the life that lives inside of you.
If you only knew…the power you have to give
If you only knew…how people they adore you
If you only knew…you’d live as it were true

If you only knew…hard times don’t last forever
If you only knew…that hope is on it’s way
If you only knew…the things that are in store for you
If you only knew…you’d live as it were true

If you only knew…the God that created you
If you only knew…His son who paved the way
If you only knew…He calls you His, He loves you
If you only knew…you’d live as if it were true
Loren Thornburg

How often we look back and think if only I had known I would have done things differently. Worried less, loved more; talked less, listened, more; frowned less, laughed more; feared less, lived more. But we can love, listen, laugh and live today! We don’t have to look back with regrets of yesterdays, but we can live as if our hopes are true today. Believe the life that lives inside of you, take hope hard times will end, embrace the God who loves you…for all of this is true.

“If you only knew the gift God has for you and who I am, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.”
John 4.10

Not many people would even go through Samaria, let alone sit by the well of a woman of five husbands and ask her for some water. The woman, confused, asked Jesus why He would ask since most Jews would refuse to have anything to do with her, a Samaritan. Then it is here that Jesus responds, “If you only knew…” Do you know? For those who believe in Jesus, God’s gift that keeps giving we have His living water that gives us life for eternity. Yet, often we forget the power that lives inside of us and the purpose He has in store. We walk around defeated, forgetting victory is ours. Start living like it’s true! You have power, you have hope, you have life, you have Christ!!182200_818584567816_1523062_45805195_4822710_n

Now that you’ve read one of Loren’s devotionals, don’t you want more?? Here is your opportunity! Enter to win a book full of devotionals written by Loren!

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  1. Janice Hurley-Trailor on June 4, 2014 at 8:42 pm
