I’m Bored….

Summer is always one of my favorite times of year.  Sunshine, long days, a house full of laughter and non-stop activities. Although we usually had a less structured schedule during the summer months, we did have a constant flurry of sports practices and other commitments with four busy daughters but the underlying feeling was one of excited contentment. When my kids were young, summer was a time for freedom, adventure and all kinds of new experiences. Being “bored” was not an option.

Boredom is defined as the condition of being bored-tired or wearied by dullness, tedium or unwelcome repetition. In our culture, instant gratification is an expectation. We have so many ways to satisfy that need for constant stimulation because most people have a smart phone, computer, tablet, radio, or television easily accessible. But these technologies, although wonderful in many ways are a cheap substitution for real life experiences. Summer is the perfect time to learn how to use other modalities for acquiring new skills, obtaining further knowledge and discovering your hidden talents.

This summer, when the kids say, “I’m BOOOOORED!” get out a piece of paper and spend time together brainstorming and writing down all the fun things you could possibly do together before school starts back up in the fall. Use those wonderful computers, smart phones and tablets to search the web for options. The sky is the limit.

Here is a list of ideas that might help you get started:

Call your local Parks and Recreation department to find out about all the classes they offer.
Join a community pool.
Sign up for tennis lessons.
Join a local sports team or a Community Recreation league.
Vacation bible school-attend or serve at your local church.
Do “Fix-it” projects around the house together.
Check out your local library for story hour times and summer reading programs.
Organize a neighborhood kid’s club-be as creative as you want.
Volunteer as a family to do service projects for neighbors or at a local soup kitchen.
Organize your own family camp.
Set up a lemonade stand.
Check out your local craft store and be creative with some art projects.
Learning new skills-woodworking, sewing, knitting, cooking.
Have a board game-Game night and invite over a bunch of friends.
Set up an outdoor game competition-ping pong, corn hole, washer toss, bocci ball, croquet.
Do some hiking-explore all the local, regional and state parks in your area.
Plan some fun picnics.
Take some family field trips-a farm, a factory, a fort, the beach, the zoo, the planetarium.
Make homemade ice cream.
Go to a splash park with friends and take some sponge balls.
Have each child plan, shop and prepare a meal.
Remember to have some scheduled quiet time and spiritual training each day.

One of our favorite websites is offering a fun pack of creative Summer Boredom Busters printables to enhance your fun family ideas. For colorful printable chore charts, lemonade stand accessories, ways to make serving others a fun for your kids and many other great ways to enhance your summer….take a look …….

Click HERE to purchase your Summer Boredom Busters Printables.

What are your favorite ways to handle the “I’m bored!” mentality at your house?

Kerry Signature48


  1. […] Kerry wrote about boredom and gave you many ideas of things to do to break the “I’m Bored” mentality. Today, I am going to give you one more creative idea: how to make a Bored Board. […]