God Revealed……..

How does God REVEAL Himself to you?

We have an exercise in our women’s bible study that is part of our weekly routine. We call it sharing our LESSONS for LIFE.

As we work through the passages of scripture that we are studying for the week, we challenge each other to formulate new insights we are learning into real life practical applications for our lives. Some weeks we find encouragement to be brave, other weeks we learn more about the character of God or how to better serve Him in our daily lives. We have been challenged to look at how authentic our commitment to serving God has been. Are we just going through the motions or are we truly desirous of seeking Him with our whole heart and serving Him with our time, talents and treasures? Are we willing to be His messenger with His message of salvation for all who believe?

We talk about how our God is a God who wants us to:

Seek relationship NOT ritual
Have a heart of worship and service and a willingness to sacrifice…
Rend our Hearts and not our garments because life with God is all about our heart Desperately long for ways to honor and serve Him

This week as we gather together for our final meeting this year, we will share “God at Work” stories. We love to hear how our women’s lives have been impacted by our God, who REVEALS Himself to us through His Word the Bible. We will share how He has answered their prayers, how they have grown in their faith walk, what new insights they have learned that have impacted their lives…….

I keep a Blessings Journal, called “Choose Gratitude” and lately it has been filled with the ways God has REVEALED Himself to me through relationships. I am constantly reminded that building relationships is a lasting investment, one I want to pour my life and my heart into.   I am committed to my life priorities and finding my life purpose and my relationships are intertwined within and fulfill both of those aspects of my life. So my God at Work story for this year is how God has given me a renewed passion for trusting Him with all of my relationships. He is the one who can bring people into my life for a purpose. He is the one who encourages me when I am lonely or feeling left out. He is the one who gives me second chances through reconciliation when there have been miscommunications with friends. My God has restored my confidence by giving me opportunities to meet new people, train up leaders, make new friends and stay connected with old friends. As I seek God for guidance and counsel in all of my relationships, He REVEALS His plan for me.IMG_7250-1
I thank God for long lasting friendships

“She looked back and marveled how far she had come, she didn’t wonder how she had made it…she already knew the answer…only with God’s help had she powered through…for without His strength she could do nothing…” Anonymous

How does God REVEAL Himself to you?

Kerry Signature48




  1. Betty on May 11, 2015 at 10:41 pm

    This is awesome! I plan to share this blog with the ladies in Malawi next week!