Coram Deo Living

Recently, I have been given a “CHARGE”, a challenge for my life-one I need to take SERIOUSLY!!!  It is called “CORAM DEO” living. Coram Deo is a Latin Phrase that means “in the presence of God”. Coram Deo living means experiencing life by being always aware of the presence of God, living under the authority of God and living to the GLORY of GOD! This CHARGE is a challenge to live a life committed to the Bible, the word of God. Because I consider myself a Christ follower, I am held to a standard set by God in the bible and I have a choice to make every day. How will I live my life, how will I run my race.  Am I willing to stand up for my convictions based on God’s word in season and out of season-when it is convenient and when I face opposition? Will I stand firm, fight the good fight and finish strong? I must consciously choose to follow God every day.


It is amazing how quickly this daily commitment to have a consistent, authentic faith walk can be put to the TEST. Today, my heart and mind were momentarily distracted away from my sincere desire for genuine faith by a stressful situation. It was a circumstance that left me feeling completely out of control and unable to change what I was experiencing by anything I could do in my own power. I had a choice to make. I could worry and get upset or angry that I was facing the hardship or I could remember my “CHARGE”. I chose to pray and wait and trust God. I disciplined my mind and heart to make good decisions and decided to rely on the experts who could handle the situation.


I was able to stand strong today in part because of my dedication to studying the WORD of God regularly. I was compelled immediately to pray because I practice and believe in the power of praying for one another. I chose to stand strong in my confidence that God stands with us, strengthens us, rescues us and protects us. When I am faced with trials, challenges or stressful situations that are out of my control I must remember that there will be hardship, suffering, loneliness, and times when I might grow weary, but CORAM DEO living is extremely rewarding. So today with one decision to remember who is ultimately in control of every detail of my life, the Lord’s power, protection and presence were mine.


Next time you face a day of suffering or hardship, might you be willing to try Coram Deo living?


  1. Power in Prayer | Growing Weisser on May 9, 2013 at 1:04 am

    […] Throughout each of these challenges there has been one constant: the power of prayer. I know that any one of these days in the hospital could have turned out differently, and I am so blessed by the prayers and faithfulness of those that have been praying. Read more about how to have a consistent, authentic faith walk in Kerry’s post, Coram Deo Living. […]

  2. Eva Chan on May 28, 2013 at 4:44 pm

    Thank you for your insightful thoughts and words written and shared re Coram Deo. It is always a joy for me when I meet someone who loves the Lord Jesus so very much and who strives to live each day in His presence.
    CHARGE…I just came across this word the first time (or at least it is the first time I noticed it) a few weeks ago as I was finishing my study in Genesis. Jacob at the end of his earthly life gave this charge to his 12 sons: to bury his body in the promised land, the land Abraham, through faith, purchased from the Hittite. That’s when I realized how important that word shows absolute faith and requires action. I also realize this year my charge from God is: abide in Him, obey Him, and have absolute trust in Him. And you are so right, once you make a decision to fully follow Christ, we will be tested again and again, because our Lord Jesus knows how much refinement we all need.
    In Christ,