Consistency is Key

We have officially had a toddler in our household for a few months now. And with that has come more exploring, more curiosity, and more testing. So much testing. Yes, the “terrible twos” have come early for us. The last few months have not been easy – full of a lot of “No’s”, a lot of monotonous training, and a lot of consequences. However, the key for us to see any sort of progress (some days/weeks this is very little to no progress) has been CONSISTENCY.


be consistent with your spouse – be a united front

be consistent with your rules and discipline tactics

be consistent with your patience – as much as possible

be consistent with your response – respond, don’t react

be consistent with your love

Unfortunately, consistency doesn’t automatically mean that things will get better or easier. I have had some pretty rough, exhausting days  when I don’t feel like being consistent or when my patience has run basically dry from saying “No” to the same things over and over again. But, I have to keep telling myself that being consistent and calm and patient through the training will pay off in the long run. So, if you have had some rough days, weeks, months, look back at some adorable pictures of your little ones, think about or journal some gratitudes about each child, and take some time for yourself to get refreshed before a new day to be the best version of you for your kids!

Getting through Mom-Life is so much about community so we would love to hear from you!

How did you handle the terrible twos or a difficult stage your child/children went through?

What discipline tactics worked best for your family?

What blessings could you look back and see were happening during those difficult times?

What encouragement do you have for moms who are currently in a difficult stage with their child?


  1. MOM on September 4, 2017 at 5:14 pm

    Love this post! Consistency is KEY in so many areas of life and it ALWAYS pays off with kiddos!!!! It brings a sense of security and love to them.