Christmas Cards on Display

Bekah recently wrote a great post about Christmas Cards, and it got me thinking about how much I love this time of year. I love looking through my photos from the months past and choosing the perfect combination of photos to display on our Christmas card. I love sending the cards and I love receiving the cards. This is the part of the year when checking the mail gets really fun! I can’t wait to open the cards we get and display them in our home.   

Growing up, we would put our Christmas cards on the refrigerator (well, at least as many as we could fit). My first few years of marriage my husband and I carried on that tradition. I loved looking at all the cards whenever I was in the kitchen. I always seemed to notice something new each time I saw them throughout the year.

A few years ago I was given a great photo holder as a gift. (Ours is similar to this one I found on Amazon). We mounted it on the wall in our new home and it displays our cards year round. I love that it looks like an art piece and I think it really stands out. Ellie loves to look at it. It gives us an opportunity to talk about our friends and she likes to point out different things she sees in the pictures.


When my husband was growing up, his family would store their photos in a Rolodex and pray over a different family each night.

Do you have a special way you display your Christmas Cards?


  1. Diane Presley on November 18, 2013 at 10:47 am

    The cards were kept in a basket at the family table after we took down the decorations. The each morning we pulled out one card. That person or persons were the focus of our morning family devotions and prayers throughout the day. Some years we would write to the card sender on that day. The kids would help and learned to write letters doing this. A great holiday tradition was born.