
“Rise up; this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it” Ezra 10:4IMG_0467

Getting back into our routine after any break my husband has from work, short or long, is an adjustment. The main reason is that I am so completely blessed that he helps out so much and supports me so well when he is home. He is a wonderful husband and an amazing daddy – everyone is happier when he is home, me, the kids, even our dog. I wish you could have seen the greeting he got yesterday when he got home. About 5 or 6 kids tackled him (three of ours and the neighbor kids) and our dog was going nuts. I didn’t even get the first kiss because he was so bombarded with love and excitement. Anyway, that’s just a glimpse of how awesome he is. When his schedule is crazy and our time together is much more brief, I need to step up (as he does for me) and be his biggest supporter and helper.

I’ve been thinking of ways I can do that. I can take naps sometimes in the afternoons so I am not completely wiped out when he gets home and put my work/tasks away once he is home. When he first gets home I can give him time to play with the kids or take a few minutes to himself (whatever he needs most that day). Sometimes I let him go for a walk or take a quick nap. Although I really want him all to myself and to be engaged in our conversations, I ask questions but try not to  get my feelings hurt if he is too wiped out from the day to really talk. I smile at him and kiss him often. I always try to call him and text him throughout the day which helps me out as well as keep him up to date on the happenings around the home… There are so many ways that I can support my husband and most of them are simple and do not take much more effort than actually remembering to look past myself, my tiredness, my battles with the kids, or whatever I may have faced that day. I know it doesn’t always happen, but I hope to do a little something every day to show my husband how much I love him, to tell him how much I appreciate how hard he works, and to relieve his burdens and stress by supporting him however he needs me to.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.” Colossians 3:23-24IMG_4610 2

What are some ways that you are a supportive wife?

Jess Signature48


  1. Alyssa on May 23, 2013 at 11:20 pm

    Beautiful Jess! Thank you for sharing. There are some great tips. We are so blessed with amazing husbands and you reminded me to be thankful and try harder to appreciate him on a daily basis.

  2. Kelli on August 3, 2013 at 7:44 pm

    Jess, I adore you. Thank you for always being right on track with me in life and for helping to continually refine me. You are one of my greatest treasures in life.