365 Things Every New Mom Should Know-Passion Perspective Introducing Linda Danis

A few years ago, Growing Weisser started a new “tradition” called “Passion Perspective”. “Passion Perspective” is a unique way to share a glimpse into the lives of some intriguing people who are pursuing their passions. In the past, we featured guests that have a true enthusiasm for the work they are doing. Our “Passion Perspective” posts included exclusive interviews to introduce you to many of our favorite friends who are on a journey of taking their passions and turning them into small businesses. We will share insights including the steps they took, the challenges they faced, and the blessings that have come into their lives and the lives of others.

This week we are featuring Linda Danis, an expert on “All things MOM”! She is one of the most devoted moms I know. Not only is she dedicated to her own children and now grandchildren, but she loves mentoring young moms and has a passion for encouraging women in their lives and in their faith. This interview is wonderful and her book, 365 Things Every New Mom Should Know would be a perfect gift for Mother’s Day!

I know you well, Linda, but can you tell our readers a little bit about
I love being a mom! I have been married for 33 years and have four
children who are all in their 20’s, my youngest is in college. I have also
entered the wonderful world of being a grandparent with twin 2-year-old
granddaughters and another on the way. Raising my kids has been my main job
and ministry for the past three decades which means I have worn many
different hats over the years… PTA president, Moms in Touch leader, Team
mom, Sunday school teacher, Bible study leader, and Carpool driver
extraordinaire. I wrote this book in my “spare time” (which means late at
night!).                 Linda with her family in November 1997 when she first began writing her book.

                                      The family together in 2016, before the twins were born.                                                 Linda with her grandbabies, beautiful twin girls.

Can you share more about your book?
I began writing 365 Things Every New Mom Should Know: A Daily Guide to
Loving and Nurturing Your Child when my youngest was a baby, so I would know
what a new mom was feeling and experiencing yet could bring the knowledge I
had gained from having four children. My book guides a mother through the
first year of her baby’s life one day at a time offering practical tips, fun
developmental activities, encouraging words, and creative ways to begin
teaching her child about God. There are also weekly devotions that speak
to all the joys and frustrations of being a new mom. It only takes a few
minutes each day to read… which is about all the time most new moms have!

Is this book only for Christian moms?
It’s written from a Christian perspective, but there is so much practical
everyday information that any new mom will benefit from it. I have found
though that many couples become more interested in their faith once they
have children, as they begin to think about what kind of values they want to
instill in their child. This book is perfect for someone who is considering
what they believe or is coming back to their faith.

What made you decide to write this book?
I had mentored a lot of new moms and found they often all had the same
questions and struggles. Many don’t have family members close by or other
mom friends to go to for advice. I wanted to share what I had learned from
my own parenting, plus my research in child development, in an easy to read
book format to offer help and encouragement. Originally, I wrote this to
give to friends as a baby gift, then one thing led to another and it ended
up being published by Harvest House Publishers and has now been read by over
70,000 moms!

What has been the feedback from moms who have read your book?
One of my favorite reviews was on Amazon.com,

“The only book about child-rearing I haven’t wanted to throw. It’s not
overwhelming and doesn’t make you feel like you’re doing everything wrong as
a new mom.”

Others have said,
“Got me through many a rough day and gave me great ideas too”
“Readable, inspiring, and filled with advice and encouragement guaranteed to lift the spirits of tired moms”
“Loved it, it was all my tired brain could handle!”
“It’s so good, it’s like a devotional, app, and daily affirmation all in

Some moms have told me they also use it as a temporary baby book. Since
they are already reading it every day, they just jot in the margins when
their baby is doing something new. Then when they have the time to work on
an actual baby memory book, they will have all the information in one place.
One mom even said she planned on saving her copy of the book to give to her
daughter when she becomes a mom, so her daughter could have it along with all the
little notes that she had written in it.

What are your most memorable moments with having your book published?
There have been so many, but probably the one that was least expected was
when it was featured on the TV program, “Friends”. Monica (Courteney Cox)
read from it to help Rachel’s (Jennifer Aniston) baby stop crying… and it
worked! I also am always amazed to see it being sold around the world, in
fact it has been translated into Indonesian. Even the way I was connected
to the publisher (my husband happened to sit next to the founder of the
publishing house on an airplane) was unexpected. I have seen God’s hand
upon it from the very start! The best part though is knowing that my book
is helping moms through that exciting, yet often overwhelming first year of
her baby’s life. It’s a great feeling to know I may have made a small
difference in the life of a child by what I shared in my book with his or
her mom!Linda’s book with its original cover when it was featured on the TV program, “FRIENDS”.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
If I can give one word of encouragement to any new moms who may be reading
this, first I would say-What you are doing today as a mom has eternal significance!
As we deal day in and day out with diapers, tantrums, dishes, spilled milk, and piles
of laundry, it’s easy to lose sight of how important our work is as mothers.
We look back at the end of the day and feel we haven’t accomplished much of
anything. Yet, our work is so important! I think we need to catch a glimpse
of God’s vision of motherhood – it is the greatest ministry opportunity we
will ever have. We have the privilege of shaping the next generation! You
are laying a loving foundation for your child that will last a lifetime!

One last question, where can someone get your book?
It can be ordered by any bookstore, but it’s always available at Amazon and Walmart.


Right now they both are offering a great sale price on it!


What a blessing this book would be to some MOM that you know…so buy one today!!!

Thanks Linda for pursuing your PASSION and sharing your gift of Motherhood with others!!!


  1. Peggy Pate on April 29, 2019 at 5:02 pm

    Wow, what a great idea!! I am going to order it right now from Amazon. That will be the perfect gift for my daughter-in-law. My grandson is 6 months and she never baby sat or was around babies.

  2. Peggy Pate on April 29, 2019 at 5:08 pm

    Wow, what a great idea!! I am going to order a copy from Amazon now. It will be the perfect gift for my daughter-in-law. She never baby sat or was around babies.

  3. Linda Danis on May 1, 2019 at 9:18 am

    Thanks so much for sharing about my book, Kerry! I hope your readers find it helpful and encouraging!
    I loved doing the interview with you and am thankful we have been able to walk alongside each other through this wonderful journey of motherhood. Gathering so many new, wonderful mom friends along the way is one of the unexpected blessings of motherhood that I never expected when I first became a mom!