Blog Launch

Well here we go… Here’s to our first post on this crazy adventure in the world and life of Blogging. We know it may have taken us a little bit of time to get started since we shared the idea with some of you. We wanted to do it right and be excellent in everything we do. So here’s to today, here’s to a new journey, here’s to family, and here’s to wherever this adventure takes us. Bon voyage.

Vision:                                                                                                                                            We are four sisters and a mom.  We are women who want to make a difference.  We are wives, mothers, sisters, friends who want to use our lives and our experiences to make a lasting impact.  We believe we have a voice and a perspective, and we want to use both to touch the world one life and one post at a time. Through stories, recipes, crafts, lessons, videos, and pictures we will strive to share our lives, fellowship, and wisdom in the community we build together.We have been so blessed, and we desire to bless others.

Mission statement:                                                                                                                     One mom. Four sisters. Five lives separated by distance, but connected in their hearts. Sharing passion, wisdom, love, faith, joy, and perspective on their lives.

Mission:                                                                                                                                          To share deep rooted wisdom for growing families.

  • Family Wisdom: marriage, parenting, kids, friends, anything and everything family
  • Crafting Wisdom: DIY gifts, photography, art, creativity, home decor, party planning
  • Organizational Wisdom: organizing the following: home, calendars, children, activities, schedules. Sharing helpful file systems, budgeting, planning, etc.
  • Cooking Wisdom: recipe, health, nutrition, fitness, and the world of food
  • Spiritual Wisdom: verses, life principles, lessons, what God has put on our hearts

Core Values:                                                                                                                                 Love, Wisdom, Influence, Encouragement, Inspiration

Why we are doing this:                                                                                                               With a family of four girls all married off and the Weisser name coming to its end, we decided to find a way for the LEGACY to live on. A place to talk about our lives, ways we have been blessed, ways we have grown, and ways we are still and will always be GROWING WEISSER. We want to use our stories to hopefully influence others in a way that helps our legacy live on.

How we are going to set up our blog:                                                                                        We will all switch off blogging about each topic. Each day of the week has a specific category.

  • Monday: Family Wisdom
  • Tuesday: Organizational and Crafting Wisdom
  • Wednesday: Cooking Wisdom
  • Thursday: Spiritual Wisdom
  • Friday: Tidbits of Wisdom

Thank you for visiting our site.  We are getting all our pages up and running. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest are all getting started, but go ahead and start following us.

We hope you are blessed as much by following us as we have already experienced in starting our blog: it has brought us closer together, it has challenged us, it has helped us open our eyes to new perspectives, and it has created a wonderful community.  Get to know us a little more by reading our Weisser Women tab and our About me sections.  We have spent time reminiscing while answering a few questions so you can learn about who we are and what we like to do outside of blogging. Thanks for visiting our site. Check back again tomorrow.

The Weisser Women signature


  1. Coni Whisler on April 22, 2013 at 3:57 pm

    Looking forward to this! It’s gonna be good…….

    • Kerry Weisser on April 28, 2013 at 4:47 am

      Thanks for your encouragement. Any way we can help others keep a sense of humor and remember what is truly important will be satisfying to all.

  2. Irene Blomgren on May 1, 2013 at 7:15 am

    Looks like fun ladies

    • Kerry Weisser on May 2, 2013 at 11:22 pm

      Thanks so much for your love and support. Stay in touch! Keep stopping by to see what else we write about! Tell all your family and friends to check us out! And subscribe to the newsletter!!!