
Last January I had ample opportunity to contemplate windows since we had new windows installed everywhere in our house.IMG_6017

A “window of opportunity” for me to be still, snuggle under a blanket and try to stay warm and think. There are windows in our homes, in our schools, in our places of employment. We use windows to look OUT into the world. We also use windows to look IN, to see what there is to do or to buy inside an office building, store, church, etc. We open windows up in the spring and fall to let the fresh air in, to hear the sounds of the birds and hear the wind rustling through the leaves. We open the windows in the evening during the summer to get the hot air out of the house and let the cooler air in. We close the windows up tight in the winter to keep the house warm and toasty. But what about opening and closing the “windows of opportunity” in our lives?  What do we do when new possibilities open up to us-new relationships, new places to visit, new job opportunities, new classes to take, new people to meet, new recipes to try, new technology to experience? When a window of opportunity opens up for us are we willing to take risks, willing to try new things, willing to see where the unexpected circumstances will take us?…..What about the windows in our heart? Are there windows in your heart that won’t open because of bitterness, or unforgiveness, or memories of a past hurt that keep the window locked up tight? Or is there a window in your heart that is wide open and you are hanging out of that window, looking and waiting for a dream or wish to be fulfilled? How many times have you felt something deep in your heart and not known how to communicate your feelings? You want to open the window and share the deep feelings in your heart, but that takes a lot of courage. TRUST DON’T TRY is a motto that I say all the time because when you get right down to it; you can TRY with all your might but if your heart isn’t willing to TRUST you aren’t going to truly accomplish all that you desire.


What windows of opportunity in your life might need a bit of TRUST in order to open them up?

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