Why is it so hard to “Do What is Right”?

For many people, “doing what is right” is not a knowledge problem, it is an obedience problem. Its not that people actually do not know right from wrong any more (although sometimes I really wonder), more often that not, they are just too stubborn, prideful, selfish, lazy, angry…etc. to make wise choices. Then they justify, rationalize, blame etc. and quickly fall into a lifestyle of apathy, complacency and justification that the choice they made was not so bad after all. The more a person compromises when it comes to right and wrong choices, especially in the gray areas of life, the easier it gets to settle for second best.

This is NOT how I want to live!!! As often as possible, I want to “Do What is Right” in the eyes of God and for the benefit of those around me who may be affected by my choices. It is not always easy to choose the higher road or to step aside and let others go ahead in life. These thoughts are not to set any of us up for a check list of dos and don’ts or to come across as legalistic or judgmental. But the reality is that behaviors have consequences. I have been learning about yielding my life to the power of the Holy Spirit. For me, it is a constant decision of the heart to keep me mind focused on pleasing God by my actions and my choices.

I want to live a life of surrender, full of passion, focused on all I can do to live in obedience to God. It will not always be easy. My decisions will not always be the popular ones. Others may not agree with my choices, but at the end of the day, I am accountable to God and not man. Of course, I will continue to put my family’s needs as a top priority when considering how my decisions are affecting others. I hope that my decisions will always honor my husband, as I carefully gather as much information and knowledge as I can before making my final decision.

So my encouragement to others in a decision making process is to gather information, look at options, consider the consequences of your choices and make the best decision possible. Most decisions come with a point of reference for each person. For me, my plumb line or reference point comes from regularly reading and studying the bible (my guide book for life, my moral compass). I pray about everything and I seek wise counsel. Spend time formulating your life goals, your world view and seriously consider how you have built your foundation for decision making.

Besides the bible, my favorite book regarding decision making is called:
Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung

What things do you do to help you discern right from wrong and make good decisions?
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