This week we launched into our 60 day summer sizzle challenge with almost 80 participants!! 80 people ready and willing to make positive changes in their life. We know we have a big job to do, so we started with the most important thing to make lasting changes – MINDSET.

Mindset is so important for success in anything. You can’t just TRY to do something. The harder you try to do something the less likely you are going to create something new. You’ll just stay where you are.

A wise Jedi named Yoda once said, “Do or do not. There is no try.”

In order to change your mindset you have to ask yourself:

“What’s the image I carry in my mind? How do I see myself?”

If you see yourself as anything less than the beautiful and perfect creation of God, you won’t succeed. You have to KNOW and tell yourself constantly that you are His. That HE made you. That you are enough.

“What you focus on you find.

What you focus on grows.

What you focus on seems real.

What you focus on you become.” -Rod Hairston

What do you focus on? What thoughts do you allow into your mind?

You ARE what you say you ARE. You need to speak LIFE into your LIFE.

Here’s my challenge: Pick one negative thing you are telling yourself or one thing you are convinced you can’t do. Now ERASE that one thing from your thoughts. It is gone forever and never allowed back. Replace that space with an affirmation that reminds you YOU ARE FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE, that you are worth it, you are enough, you CAN.

If you want to join us in the mindset shift, take a picture of yourself holding your affirmation and post it on Facebook or Instagram. Tag us @growingweisser and use the hashtag #healthymindandbody


Looking forward to seeing your affirmations!

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