The Joy of Friendship

Christmas time is a great time to reflect on the blessings and joys in our lives. One of my greatest joys the past few years has been the joy of friendship.

A little over three years ago, I became a mom for the first time. It was the best and scariest time of my life being responsible for a tiny little person. Since then we have added two more little blessings to our family and I just don’t know where I would be without the support and love of my friends.

Many of my friends and I met 3 years ago at a breastfeeding support group at our local hospital. We bonded over love for our children and the sheer craziness of our new responsibilities. Over the years I have added friends to my little circle through common interest groups and my Stroller Strides fitness group.

As fun as it is to have play dates and meet ups at parks for the kids, we realize how important it is to just have some MOM time. That is why I am so happy to open my home each year at Christmas for my annual Christmas Cookie Exchange. It is a super fun way to hang out, drink hot chocolate, and eat cookies of course.

So as you enjoy this season of giving and receiving remember to thank the amazing people in your life and the lives of your children for all their support and friendship!

Thank you to my friends and family. I am so blessed!

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