The Here & Now

Medical school is a long process. The first two years are Basic Science studies (two years of sitting in the classroom, learning a lot of long hard words that I can’t even pronounce- Good thing I’m not the one trying to become a doctor HA!). The next two years are Clinical Years or Rotations- the fun hands-on experiences that help you figure out what kind of doctor you want to be. Then, there is Residency, anywhere from two to six years (depending on your practice and specialty) when you are a doctor, but not really. After residency, you may do a Fellowship, which is more training but in a sub-specialty for one to three years. Eventually, you actually become a doctor! Woohoo! As you can see, this is a LONG process! My husband and I will only be done with the basic science years this upcoming May. Although this will be a very exciting time and a huge landmark in the process, there is still a long way to go! It can get very difficult to enjoy the stage we are in, knowing how much is ahead. Yes, living in “paradise” can get hard sometimes 🙂 So, here are 3 ways to help living in the here and now, and not letting the future make you miss out on the present, on what is happening right in front of you!

1. Stop and Look Around

Now, you may not live in the Caribbean, but I guarantee you that there is something that you can see right where you are now to put a smile on your face or to know that you are right where God wants you to be. A beautiful scenery, your child’s laughter, something you have created, friendships. Something you have accomplished where you are that you never thought possible, new recipes you have tried that have ended up being delicious. No matter how big or small, if you just stop for one minute, you may be able to change your perspective to help you be a little more excited about what else God has for you in the place you are right now!

2. Be Thankful

No matter how many things you have to look forward to, whether good or bad, there’s is always something right now that you can be thankful for. Good health, a great spouse, food on the table, sunshine, free time, family, God’s faithfulness! When you are thankful, it can take your mind off of you and onto others. This can help you to see things that if you were focused on yourself, you may have missed out on. And go a step further, thank God for the things you think of and tell other people that you are thankful for them or anything else you are thankful for! You won’t be thinking about all the things you have to do before Christmas, or before you leave Grenada to do your rotations, but your focal point will be on the things you are thankful for, here and now.

3. Bounce Encouragement

Bounce encouragement off of the people around you! When you can encourage others, they may have more ability to then encourage you! These first two steps have not been easy for me all the time while we have been here in Grenada. I am a planner, so it has been quite humbling to just be content where we are now, knowing that God will place us where we are supposed to be for rotations. And, these first two steps would be even harder if I didn’t have my husband, Ashkon, to remind me to stop and look around and to be thankful for our time here! Since Ashkon has been able to do this for me and help me to be more thankful and joyful for our time here, I can turn around and also do this for him when he is having a hard time.


When you can stop and find and see the things around you to be thankful for, as well as allow yourself to be encouraged by others so that you can encourage those around you, you will be better able to care for yourself, your spouse, you kids and those you are surrounded by in this stage of life! Don’t let the future make you miss where you are, be in the here and now!

How do you get yourself out of a rut when you are anxious about the future and/or not living in the present?

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