Thanksgiving Reflections

Today is Thanksgiving Day. A day to reflect on all the blessings we have in our lives.
I praise God every day for this precious family, they are all that I am most thankful for plus the addition of Mikah Ada Spoelhof, born just 7 weeks ago.Spoelhof10
Rachel is thankful for
1. A Healthy Baby girl #3
2. A husband who comes home every day full of energy and love for our girls.
3. Awesome in-laws who have been so helpful with Ellie and Hanna so that I can rest and take care of Mikah.
4. 3 Adorable and happy girls. I love how much they all love each other.
5. I get to stay at home and spend every day with my girls.


Jess is thankful for:
1. Wonderful family that we get to spend time with over the holidays, some on thanksgiving, others at Christmas.

2. How much Jesus loves me
3. Husband who loves me and pursues me.
4. 4 children who are silly, fun, and always challenging me to rely more on Jesus
5. Community group of people who want to do life together in Jesus

Bethany is thankful for
1. I am thankful for my husband who loves me for me, is willing to learn with me, adventures with me, and loves to make me laugh.
2. I am thankful for family who if I could have a choice, I would pick to be my friends and close people in my life. Including parents, sisters, brother in laws, and sister in laws.
3. I am thankful for our church, where I am being challenged to get more into the word of God, go deeper in community, and fall more in love with Jesus.
4. I am thankful for the ministry of Young Life. I am blessed that I get to work for them. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for my mom becoming a Christian at Woodleaf and my husband becoming a Christian at Oakbridge. What a gift!
5. I am thankful for the peace of the Lord which transcends all understanding.  I am thankful for a full life in Christ when I don’t deserve anything. I am thankful for being chosen so I am his child. I am thankful I have purpose and hope in the Lord.

Bekah is thankful for
1. God who is such a constant Rock in my life. He guides me and comforts me and just continues to amaze me with his power and creativity. I am thankful for his unconditional love and forgiveness and that He is my example of how to live and love others
2. My husband who has been working so hard to fulfill his dream of becoming a doctor and that he has let me be a part of this journey with him. I am thankful for his leadership in our marriage, his caring heart, his wise advice and how he can always make me laugh
3. My parents who support me, challenge me and encourage me to be a better person, daughter, friend, and wife
4. My sisters- thankful that I get to live close to 2 out of the 3, thankful for their friendship, their advice, their love, and so thankful for the time I get to spend with them and for giving me my 7 nieces and nephews whom I love to pieces
5. Being back in the United States after living out of the country for 2 years. I am thankful for our freedom and all the men and women who fight for these freedoms everyday!
Kerry is thankful for

1. My Lord and Savior, Jesus, who is my strength, my rock and my hope in whom I trust always.
2. My faithful and loving husband, who is my best friend, my one true love and who always brings a smile to my face with his goofy sense of humor.
3. My precious daughters who bring me joy and continue to amaze me as they grow into beautiful women of God, their passion to make the dream of this Blog a reality and their incredible husbands who bring such fun and excitement to our family-I finally got my boys!!!
4. My incredibly cool 7 grand kids-I never knew being a Gammie could be so wonderful!
5. My extended family, my daughters’ super cool in-laws (all have become great friends of ours) and my awesome friends who continually add spice and blessings to my life.

My list could go on and on……Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
May God bring extra special blessings to you and your family on this Thanksgiving Day!

What do you have to be thankful for?

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