Posts Tagged ‘family’

“I’m Dating Someone Even Though I’m Married” Article Review

The other day, I was browsing through my Facebook newsfeed when an article caught my eye. It was titled, “I’m Dating Someone Even Though I’m Married”. I quickly passed it, assuming that it was exactly what it sounded like as another sad example of the marriage culture our world is continuing to develop today. But, something about it made me think that maybe there was more to it than the title indicated. Although still skeptical about what the article had to say, I decided to read it. I began, hoping that the article was going to surprise me and not disappoint me. I read the first two paragraphs……

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Family Photos that Last a Lifetime

—“A picture is worth a thousand words” —–“A picture is a poem without words” (Horace)—–“Photograph: A picture painted by the sun without instruction in art” (Ambrose Pierce)—–“There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs” (Ansel Adams)—

“If pictures are worth a thousand words, than photo books are worth a million”

-Ashkon Banihashemi

I love pictures. I love how they can grasp memories and take you back to that place every time you look at the photographs. One of my favorite crafts used to be scrapbooking- creating pages and books to relive certain events or times of my life and to have for a lifetime to look back on and remember such pivotal years of my life! …

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The Culture of a Spoken Word

My parents have been visiting me and my husband here in Grenada for the last few weeks.  We have done some pretty amazing things exploring the island, hiking, swimming in the bluest water any of us have every seen and so much more. There was something about this trip that was unique. Through meeting new people and developing relationships with some of the locals at my parent’s resort and during the activities we did, we learned some very interesting information. Through personal stories and history of Grenada, we were informed how they pass on their knowledge through their families. It was so interesting to learn because this part of their culture is so often foreign in America. The way that many Grenadians pass on traditions and family heritage is through hands-on demonstration only when a child asks or shows an interest in something. …

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Family Dinner Night

Family dinners are such a great habit to establish within your family. Not only does it create scheduled, sit down time with family members, but a dinner table is a great place to learn more about each other and create an environment for open communication and quality time. When I was younger, I remember dinner time always being such great family time. As we got older, our schedules became busier and we would end up having picnics at the ballpark multiple times a week. However, there would still always be days during the week where we would slow down and just be together at dinnertime. And, our table was always open for more “family members”. Whether it was Friday pizza night or just a random night of the week, extra seats were always at our table.…

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