Summer Strollin’ – Keeping Kids Cool in the Stroller

As the days are getting much hotter in my area, I’ve been searching for ways to keep my kids cool in the stroller during my workout classes or while I’m getting exercise.

I’ve come up with a small list, and I would love to hear things that work for you!!


Keeping Cool in the Stroller:

1 – Make Bekah’s DIY Rice Filled Hot/Cold pack. I asked a few essential oil experts and they recommended a cooling oil like peppermint, any mint oils, sweet orange, or lavender as a calming oil for a cool pack.

2 – A clip on stroller fan. I recently purchased one of these, although I might return it. Many parent reviews said the fans do not work well to move the air around the kiddos.

3 – If you don’t want to craft something yourself, I found an Etsy shop with a variety of cooling products for you (and your pets) to wear.

4 – Spray bottles or Misting Fans. When I think of this idea I imaging it going to ways: 1. Great! My kids love water and would have a blast spraying themselves, or 2. My not-always-loving girls spraying each other, taking each other’s bottles, spraying themselves in the eyes…this list could go on and on.

5 – Cool snacks. Frozen grapes, watermelon, orange slices, melon balls, frozen blueberries, and cold cuties.

6 – Cool Clothing. From my research it looks like cotton, linen, and wicking fabrics get the highest approval rating for summer. Cotton is versatile and breathable. Linen is durable and even more breathable than cotton. Wicking fabrics are man-made to “wick” moisture away from the body.

7 – By far the best product I found was the Stroll-n-Cool. It is a pricey, $46.95 + $9.95 shipping, however, seems like the best product on the market. There are many other products on Amazon and other sites, but this one seems to have superior materials and is reusable.

I hope you find these ideas for keeping your kids cool in the stroller so you can get in a workout or have cool, happy kids wherever your stroller might take you!

What are your favorite ways to keep you kids cool in the stroller?

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