Spring Cleaning-revisiting a New Year’s Post

It is now SPRING 2014-most of us have had aspirations (New Year’s resolutions) we have been hoping to accomplish since January. We may even have goals written down, but we just have not been able to find the time to make the changes. Who’s got time? It seems we are always looking for more time. If we just had one more hour, one free morning, or one less obligation…  Usually all it takes is being a little more productive with the time we do have. Change your perspective. Have a plan. And go for it. This spring is a good time to reevaluate, start small. Make little goals that you can actually accomplish. Do one at a time. Check them off your list. Start in one room of your house, one corner of your mind, one day on your busy schedule, and get organized.

In January I wrote down twelve ideas for the New Year to help get you organized. But now it is almost May and you might still feel overwhelmed? Not sure where to start? Pick one area per month. Then by next year you will have 6 or 7 areas of your life more in check and a little more organized. But have a plan of action. Map out your weeks or months so you can tackle one thing at a time.

1. Schedule: Keep a planner/calendar. You can use a written hard copy calendar or your computer or phone. Write down important dates, things you want to accomplish, and items on your agenda. If needed, set reminders on your phone. It is a great way to keep things organized. We all have a lot going on, and some of us need that friendly buzz to help us remember.

2. Digital Clean up: Clean up your computer, phone, iPods, and all over devices. Get your email down to zero. Clean up your pictures. Back up your computer. Delete music you don’t listen to anymore. Unsubscribe from email lists. Keep passwords written down and safe.

3. Sort, Clean, Throw Away: Kitchen: Throw away anything that is expired. Medicine, canned food, snacks, all have expiration dates. Some are sell by, some are use by. If needed check food expiration rules on the internet. Organize cabinets. Clean cabinets. Clean the fridge. Clean out the freezer.  Office: Throw away papers you don’t need. Test your pens. Organize the clutter. Keep things simple. Pay attention to your important paperwork. File paperwork in the write place. Scan anything you want digital copies of. Get baskets or boxes where you can hide the clutter if you have crafts items, work items, or stuff that needs to be in your office. Label boxes/baskets so you know where they are. Have the area look clean.

4. Sort, Clean, Give away: Closet: Clean it out. Make bags to give away. Get rid of stuff you have not worn in the past year/2years. This doesn’t mean you can go on a shopping spree.  Live simple. Garage: Clean up dirty areas. Go through any boxes that are not labeled. Label everything. Color code if needed. Make sure all boxes are closed up tight.

5. Deep Clean: Schedule and plan your regular deep cleaning. Decide how many times you want to clean what throughout the weeks/months. Write it all down.            http://organizedhome.com/cleaning-grand-plan/new-year-grand-plan-cleaning-challenge

6. Meal Plan: Try organizing dinners so you know what all the meals will be for the week. Sit down on your own or with your spouse. Plan each nights dinner and write down all the ingredients. Leftovers are okay on some nights too. Make only one or two shopping trips that week, and see what time that frees up to do other things. Don’t forget any breakfast, lunch, or snack items you may need at the store also.

7. Delegate something: Are there some things you take on that you really don’t enjoy doing?  Most of the time we all have something or a few things.  Is there something you could ask someone else to do? Is there something that by asking for help it could free up some of your time?It could be asking your husband to take out the trash, it could be asking one of your kids to help with one more chore, it could be asking a friend to help with a Bible study, meeting, or cooking for an event. Don’t be afraid to ask. Often people want to help, they just need to know how they can serve.

8. Budget: Look at your finances. Are there areas you can cut? Are there other areas you can give more? How much are you saving? How much do you want to save?  Pick a few things you can work on to spend your money wisely. Always make sure your bills are paid on time. Paperless billing is a great thing.

9. Stay in touch: Pick a few people you want to stay in touch with better. A call, email, or text can make someones day. Think about a few people. It can be a person in close proximity or a person far away. Tell them and SHOW them you love them.

10. Start your day right. Do something in the morning that makes you feel happy or energized. Even if it is five minutes, it can make a difference. A few ideas are the following: quiet time, prayer, devotional, coffee, journal, music, workout, stretch, walk, read, eat breakfast in silence, watch the news, listen to a podcast, or call a friend. But wake up. Sleeping five extra minutes is not what I am talking about. Do something.

11. Make lists: My philosophy… you can never have too many lists. Only problem… you got to start checking them off. So write it down, and do it. Whether its bucket lists, house project lists, vacation lists, birthday lists, goal lists, or cleaning lists… write it down. and keep track of your progress.

12. Try new things: What is something you have always had on your desire to do list? Make a time frame of when you want to try it by. “30 things by the time you turn 30.” Or buy whatever it is for a specific date so you have to do it. Challenge yourself. Risk it. Have fun!

Hopefully this repost of a way to get organized will give you a plan of action for the Spring and help you to finish strong in 2014!

Bethany Signature48