Speaking Encouragement-Be Balcony People

Bethany and I had the awesome opportunity to speak to a group of young moms yesterday at a group called Mother’s Together. There were so many things we wanted to share with the gals to encourage them in their marriages, their parenting, their friendships. We will write more about the event in the weeks to come, but we thought it would be advantageous to repost a piece I wrote on being Balcony People. I trust this will challenge you and bring you hope in all your relationships.

It may be just a WORD spoken to you or an hour of TIME that a friend or family member gives to you, but both are forms of ENCOURAGEMENT, a much needed gift; to give and to receive. Encouragement does not always come from the person we need it to come from or at the exact time we need it or in the form we expect, but it will come. I am a natural encourager. I love to look for the “good” in people, finding ways to build them up and help them see their potential. I love to come along side young people who are dreaming of their future and discovering their passions.   

Being an encourager involves developing a relationship of trust. Even if you do not have a temperament that naturally encourages people, you can learn to support and inspire others. You have to take the time to really get to know the person you want to encourage. Be an active listener. Learn what they like, what drives them, their goals and their dreams. Find ways to instill hope and boost confidence. When you have earned the right to speak life and encouragement into another person, you have joined their team and become someone who cheers in their balcony.

It is amazing how much time and energy we, as a culture, invest in cheering for athletes in different sporting events. Think of all the hours you stand on the sidelines of youth sporting events, rooting for your kids as they compete and perform. Reflect on the countless times you have attended musical, theatrical, athletic, academic or other activities that your kids participate in where they count on you for your support and enthusiastic encouragement. Think of all the times we have stepped out of our normal routine to support our spouses in pursuit of their dreams in their careers, work setting or as they participate in their hobbies or passions. We choose to be balcony people all the time for our children, spouses and family. Teachers become balcony people for their students. Grandparents thrive as encouragers, cheer leaders and balcony people in the lives of their grandchildren.

On the other side of the coin, being the recipient of encouragement can be humbling, but when it is your turn to be on the receiving side of a blessing, take it in and grow from the spoken words or time given to you. Be grateful for a family member or friend who is willing to speak words of hope, challenge or constructive criticism as they encourage you to strive for your dreams. Cherish the moments when someone who has taken the time to listen to your heart, has words of encouragement to share with you. These might be the words that motivate you to risk getting out of your comfort zone to try something new, to take the next step necessary to achieve your goal. Allow them to stand in your balcony and cheer for you.

Take time to be a student of your children, spouse and other extended family. Be sensitive to their dreams, hopes and needs. Be aware of opportunities to encourage them in their pursuit of those dreams. And maybe more challenging for some of you, be open to receiving encouragement from others. Climb into someones balcony and begin cheering and never stop.

Who can you bless with your time and words of encouragement?
Whose balcony are you in and who are you cheering for?
Who is in your balcony cheering you on to accomplish your dreams?

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