Sock Puppets

How many of us wonder why we have so many orphaned socks throughout the years, as we do our laundry? I seem to loose one sock of a pair (usually my new favorite pair) on a regular basis? So for years when the girls where at home and younger, I would use the orphaned socks to curl their hair-in old school ringlets. Now that they are grown and gone and at this point all but one of my grand daughters has curly hair, I needed another option for “what to do with the orphaned socks???”…VIOLA, SOCK PUPPETS!!!!! It is easy and fun to do when your grandkids come for a visit. We made some this last week when Rachel and her husband and daughters were visiting. The girls got to design their own puppets and Gammie did the sewing. You can actually let the kids do some of the sewing if you have more time and the kids are a bit older.

Supplies needed

1. old socks
2. felt in assorted colors
3. colorful buttons for eyes
4. fabric scissors
5. fabrics scraps
6. thread

Take each sock and cut a slit at the end of the toe box, big enough for a mouth. We cut our slits in the adult women’s white tube socks about 2-3 inches on each side from the middle point of the toe box. Lay the open mouth on top of the color of felt that each child picks and trace an oval shape that will be he mouth. Cut about 1/4 inch larger on all sides than the oval you traced. Turn the sock inside out and pin the oval right sides together inside the mouth cut so that edges of oval meet edges of the cut in the sock. Sew on the machine (or by hand) the seam of the mouth, attaching the felt oval to the sock. Turn sock right side out. Sew on buttons for eyes. We decided to make felt hair for our puppets. The sky is the limit….you can add clothes, bows, bowties and other accessories. Let the kids be creative and have FUN!!!!! To cut felt hair, use strips of felt and cut fringed edges the lengths you want for bangs and hair. Pin hair and bangs to right side of head behind the eyes.Sew in place. Add whatever other accessories you want.
Have a great time….a puppets show extravaganza is waiting!!!!!!

Such a fun summer project!!!

What is your favorite summer creative project to do with your grandkids?