Say “YES” to Help

I find it really hard to accept help most of the time. I like to be in control and feel like I can handle things myself. Even when I’m totally breaking down, I’d rather continue to be alone than ask for help.

However, it can be a blessing to me and to others to accept that help! I am experiencing this a lot this last month of pregnancy: Asking for help when I drop something, actually letting someone at the store help me with my groceries, asking my husband to cook dinner for me while I sit and rest.

I am so blessed to have amazing helpers. I have so many friends who are willing to help and offer help constantly. I got a surprise text last week that my friend had made our family dinner! It was such a treat to have a home cook meal, but take the night off from cooking it myself. My inlaws have watched Ellie and Hanna for almost all of my doctor appointment so that I could go alone. They are constantly offering their help and support.

This past week, Bekah came for a day and a half to help me with the girls. The girls adore her, and it was so much fun to have her help. We took the girls to the trampoline park and Bekah was able to run around with them, lift them out of the foam pit, and bounce with them (all things I can’t do right now!).

IMG_5341Even though it is sometimes hard for me to ask for all this help, I can see how it blesses me to have this time alone, and how it blesses the girls. It is great to watch their relationship grow with my family and friends!

What is something you’ve done to help a friend recently?

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