Revived in Action

Revived in Action
You know the moment… That one where you have been waiting for something to happen. You are hoping that someone else will make the effort.  Someone else will plan, someone else will do, someone else will act.  But you wait and wait, and it doesn’t happen.  Getting together doesn’t happen. That phone call never comes.  The days come and go.  And that hope of whatever it is starts to dwindle away.

But the doubts creep in. Those feelings of should I do it?  Could I do it?  Is that all I’ve been waiting for? For me to get enough courage just to do it myself.  Guess what. If you are having those feelings, that is probably exactly right.  Just Do it. Call the friend, plan an outing, say you are sorry, confront an issue, go out of the way to reach out. Plan a party, clean your house, eat healthier, create good habits, and find joy in the little things. Take charge of your life.  Stop waiting for someone else to do it, because, it will never happen.  Go for it, take a risk, do something extraordinary.  Ordinary breeds ordinary.  Extraordinary comes from pushing the limts, being uncomfortable, and listening to those nudges that say “go for it”.  As the saying goes, if you don’t do it, no one else will.  And it’s true. We are all thinking the same thing.  So bite the bullet, don’t let anything hold you back and whatever it is that is tugging at your heart or filling your mind, find the confidence, the time, or the purpose in going the extra mile or being intentional about your life.  You have today to choose.  So choose life, choose joy, and choose grace in the privilege to make a choice.

What have you been waiting for someone else to do that you could do yourself?

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