Reorganize yourself

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How often do you sit down and really think about the question “Who am I?” Or do you just run from thing to thing busying yourself with all these different hats that often have the ability to form your identity.  But if you take a moment to think deeper, Who are you? It isn’t always comfortable is it? Does it make you feel content, restless, anxious, satisfied? Is it hard to come up with an answer? If you take the time to think about this, does it change anything?

I have been struggling with this.  Who am I? Right now, all I feel like I am is a mess. I feel like I can’t keep up. I feel restless. I feel bored. I feel too busy.  But I know deep down that isn’t who it is. But why is it taking over? I know I am a child of God, I know I am valuable to God, I know I have purpose in God.  But I give in to this world that screams insecurity, success, comparison, all those things that get in the way of my true identity.  And its overwhelming. Rather than being overwhelmed by the power of Christ in me and my identity in him, I am overwhelmed by the inadequacies I feel and the things I am not doing.  I am distracted by too many things. I am filling time rather than filling my soul. But God created me as me. Unique, in Him, with purpose. And I want to be able to live in that. So I need to take some time to think, “Who am I”? “How did God make me me?” I want to be free in me. I want to be free to run recklessly, passionate about life. And be living in the part of something greater than myself. There is a purpose in the little things. God finds purpose in the little things. And I get to be a part of it.

I watched a Youtube video this week about Jennie Allen’s book Restless. (which is an incredible book by the way). The video spoke to me so much. I really encourage you to check it out. Restless Bible Study Video. (Which is a preview of the whole Bible study which you should check out) Watch, listen, think, pray. And fix your eyes on Jesus. She talks about so many good things in the video. But I want you to take the time to think through these questions…

  • What if the things you love to do actually collided with god’s will for your life?
  • What if the difficult things were actually the places God wanted to birth your greatest passions?
  • What if everything that felt mundane and boring and the people that felt random suddenly felt intentional, and did the most important work in the world?
  • What if God got bigger than our fear?

Take some time. Think through these questions. And write down not just who are you… Who you are in Christ? Think about that. And believe in yourself.

And check out Jennie’s book: Restless: Because You Were Made for More

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