Renewal in 2015

Happy New Year to all our faithful followers and to many new friends who I hope and pray will join us in our journey in 2015 to share, learn and apply more deep-rooted wisdom into our lives to help our growing families. This year we are going to have a theme for each month and in January we will be focusing on renewal.

Some people are totally committed to making New Year’s resolutions each year. Our family had a tradition of making a family crest each New Year’s Eve. We discussed the values that were important to us and how we could improve in the future. We colored and cut and pasted on a poster board and created a fun family project that had lasting meaning for all of us throughout the year. This was a way to set up a foundation for RENEWAL in the year to come. It reminded our family of the character qualities that were important to our family as a unit and gave us some goals to help us make a difference in the lives of others during the new year. (Click on the link making a family crest for details of how we made our family crest and try making one for your family.)

This year my husband and I talked a bit about what could make a significant difference in our lives as we entered 2015 and and bring us a sense of RENEWAL- a fresh start, a positive way to refocus. We decided to embark on a “read through the bible in a year” plan. There are many ways to go about this commitment but we decided to try a method that we discovered while visiting our eldest daughter’s church, Fusion Christian Church. We have been trying for the first 5 days of the new year and so far we love the discipline of reading together, the opportunity to talk about the truths of scripture and the encouragement and hope that comes from filling our mind with the words of God. There is no right or wrong way to read through the bible in a year, it is just finding a method that works for you.image

imageA few other plans that seemed intriguing:

Bible Gateway “Reading through the Bible is a rewarding experience, and these plans can help you do it! So, choose a reading plan and get ready for the incredible journey of reading through the Bible, one day at a time!”

Ligonier Ministries Plan “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (Psalm 119:105) Many Christians take the beginning of a new year to evaluate their Bible reading habits, and then change or begin a Bible reading plan.”

Back to the Bible “God’s Word is a big book and without a workable schedule it can be easy to give up before you even get through Genesis. Whatever your style, we provide 5 unique plans to help you read through the Bible in a year.”

Renewal is a new beginning, restoring, replenishing, reestablishing. What better way to bring renewal into our lives that to be refreshed daily with words of truth. So maybe this year you should try a plan of renewal as your New Years Resolution.

What are you thinking about for your New Year’s Resolution? Might you consider reading through the bible in a year? If you have never tried it before why not in 2015!!!!

Kerry Signature48