Remembering Memories

Screenshot 2014-04-23 12.15.03

One Line A Day. Can I carve out a few minutes of my night before I go to bed to write down a line about my day? I received this really awesome present from a friend for Christmas. Now some of you may look at this and think it is crazy, but for me, I love it! A way to track my memories within my crazy life and my spaghetti brain. (Yes, I have a spaghetti brain that everything runs together and connects together like a big bowl of spaghetti… I will have to post more about this disease later). Anyways, it has been a really cool way for me to reflect just a little bit each day. And I love looking back on what has already happened on this year. So just imagine what it will be like when I look back on a few years.

Here is what it looks like on the inside.

Everyone can use something like this. Whether you are a mom, a student, a businesswoman, a blogger, or anyone for that matter, this can be a cool tool to keep your memories and daily thoughts all in one place, over a time span of 5 years! So you don’t like to journal and you barely have time to sit down and eat a meal, you might want to give this a try. Find a way to incorporate the reflection into your day and the impact could be irreplaceable.

You can buy them here:
Urban outfitters
Barnes and Noble

Real Simple even promotes this journal! Real Simple Article

How do you track your memories?

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