Released to SHINE

I was challenged yesterday to think about what areas in my life need to be illuminated. Am I hiding in the darkness or am I living in the light? How can I release my fears, my unspoken expectations, my unhealthy habits?  If I am willing to release aspects of my life that keep me in darkness, who will be changed when I choose to SHINE?

“You were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of the light…for the fruit of light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth.” Ephesians 5:8-9

The apostle Paul wrote a letter to the people who lived in Ephesus. The themes of his letter were the redemptive work of God in Christ and unity in the church. The ancient city of Ephesus was a perfect background for the themes of Paul’s letter. Ephesus was an important port city on the west coast of Asia. The great Temple of Artemis (one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world) was located near the port. The Ephesians worshipped Artemis as their fertility goddess. The people who lived in Ephesus during Paul’s day were fascinated with magic and the occult. Ruins of the temples of the Divine Caesar and the goddess Roma were also discovered near the Agora. The city was a bustling economic center with a huge theater that held 20,000 people. The wealthy members of the city lived in lavish terrace houses that overlooked the agora (marketplace) and the famous Library of Celsus, the Harbor stadium and the baths.

Two weeks ago, we walked through the excavated ruins of Ephesus. I thought about how Paul came into this thriving metropolis in 60 AD and shared with the residents of Ephesus about the saving light of Christ and the mystery of the gospel. He talked to them about unity, grace and hope. He spoke to them about the difference between living in the darkness and living in light.  He challenged their pagan worship and encouraged them to worship the one true God. He stood before the rulers, the commoners  and the slaves and shared the truth of the gospel, that had changed his life. He released his fear of rejection. He released his fear of failure. He was willing to take the risk of being ridiculed as he spoke against the current cultural beliefs and pagan worship practices. He chose to walk in the light. He chose to SHINE!

The amphitheater in Ephesus

The library in Ephesus

View into the Agora in Ephesus

Living in the light is not always convenient, sometimes is it difficult, there is always a cost. Giving up traditions and unhealthy habits seems impossible but when you choose to walk away from  the darkness and move toward the light, you will begin to SHINE!!!

I choose the Light of life in Christ..I choose to live as a child of light and I am released to SHINE!!!

Who will be changed when you choose to SHINE?

Kerry Signature48