Refreshed Perspective

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A few weeks ago, I heard a talk on “Start with Why”. Since then, the “start with why” perspective has come up in my job, relationships, church, and mentoring. It seems like everywhere I turn I am reminded to think back to that talk.  That reminded me to dig down deep, to dig around, and discover what drives me.  What is the reason I do what I do?  Who am I? What makes me tick? The why of life communicates from the inside out.  So what is going on in the inside is the most important piece. The why to life gives context and meaning behind actions. It isn’t just what you do, but the reason behind why you do it.  It is the emotions, the reasoning,  the authenticity lived out.

Without knowing the why of what we do and who we are, we can feel like we are walking around aimlessly. We don’t have clarity in our vision, in who we are, or our actions.  We feel insecure and doubt ourself.  We make halfhearted decisions.  The why is unknown.  So the how and the what remain unclear.  Or if the how and the what are clear, it can feel lukewarm if its not based on deep conviction or an understanding of the why. The why brings trust and consistency to decisions.

The crazy part is there are actually chemicals in your brain that affect decision making and motivation behind your actions. Decision making happens not in your logical part of your brain, but your limbic part of your brain. The limbic part of your brain is the survival, the emotions and feelings.  So decisions are made with emotion, not just the formulas and strategies.  So the right side of your brain and decisions need to be tied to the why, not just the what.  If the chemicals in your brain are more focused on the logical and rat race of life, you will never get fulfillment.  There will always be a desire for more. But if you know your why, you can focus on that, and all your decisions can be centered on that foundation.

So what is your why?  Why do you do what you do?  Why do you make certain decisions?  Why do you love being a mom?  A friend? A sister? A daughter? What is the why behind your choices of how you spend your time? The most amazing thing you can realize with your why is why do you get the privilege and opportunity to be you. You have potential.  You can make a difference.  In some way you have an influence.  Now are you going to use that to make a positive impact?  It is your decision.  Connect to your why.  Figure it out.  And run after your life mission statement.

What is your why?? What gives meaning to your life?  How can you live that out?

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