Recap and Giveaway Winner

Here is a recap of our Passion Perspective week featuring Loren Thornburg.

Monday: Get to know Loren Thornburg in our first post of our Passion Perspective Week

Tuesday: Learn more about Loren through her Passion Perspective Interview

Wednesday: Read “If You Only Knew”, a favorite devotional that Loren wrote

Thursday: Read another devotional by Loren, “The Great Illusion”

And the winners are…

Quin Thornburg and Ashanti Shepherd!!!

Congrats! You will receive an email in the next day or two on how you will be receiving your devotional book!

Thank you for all of your support in another Passion Perspective week!


Reminder…for those of you who would like to subscribe to Loren’s weekly email or purchase her devotional books please email her at lorenquinelle@gmail .com.

If you would like to donate to her upcoming mission trip click here.