Passion Perspective Interview Pam (Metz) Larsen and Essential Oils

In 2014 Pam made the decision to jump on board with an essential oils company called Young Living Essential Oils. In Pam’s interview for this Passion Perspective week we asked her a series of questions….

What sets Young Living oils apart from other essential oils? I absolutely love this company! I definitely made the right decision. They have been in business longer than any other essential oil company and have just celebrated their 20th year! They are the only essential oil Company that owns their own farms and distills all their own oils. They have their Seed to Seal Process which means they stand by their quality from the beginning to the end. They are there from when the seeds are put in the ground, to the harvesting, distilling and then bottling. What other company has a CEO that goes out and works on the farms, and is physically helping with every aspect of their Seed to Seal guarantee? Pretty awesome!IMG_7979

What steps did you take to make it a business? I just started telling everyone about these new oils I got and how excited I was. Then I started using them, and wow they really worked! I then started telling people about those stories and my friends and family started using them too. It really just evolved on its own.

What makes your Young Living business so special? “My business is special because I’m truly passionate about these oils. They work! And I sleep easier knowing that I have done my absolute best with my family and helping them without using all the chemicals in so many other things. I love being able to help my friends and family too. It brightens my day to receive a message from a friend who’s tried the oils saying how much they have helped them and what they love about Young Living.”IMG_7982

What are your long-term goals and dreams? “My long-term goals are to provide financial stability for my family so that I can remain home with the boys and my husband can work a little less and spend more time with us.”

How has your product line changed and expanded?  “Young Living has grown about 400% this past year. That’s astounding growth for a company in their 20th year of business. This year alone they launched several new kits with brand new blends. They have more singles and oil blends than any other company with 87 singles and 72 blends.”

How do you promote your products? “I just share my personal testimonies and love for these oils with my friends, family and anyone I can get to talk oils with me. I share some personal stories on Facebook and give samples to friends that would like to try them.”

What are the next steps for your business? “I would like to put more time into helping people on my team grow their businesses and be a successful mentor to them.”

What are your favorite products? 

Deep Relief – Provides support for head and muscle tension. It blends essential oils known for their soothing, long-lasting benefits.

Thieves – One of Young Living’s most popular blends, Theives can be used to help ease viruses, household dirt, colds, cold sores, sore throat, cuts, bacteria and grime, poison ivy, flu, tooth aches, and infection.

Thieves is also one of Rachel’s favorite blends to use. She diffuses it regularly in the house and the kid’s rooms and puts it diluted on the girls’ feet if they are sick.

NingXia – Young Living’s superfruit supplement formulated to energize, fortify, and replenish the body and mind.

What are your most used oils?

Thieves- (see description above)

Lavender – Lavender is often called the “swiss army knife” of oils due to its versatility. Use Lavender to help ease stress, scrapes, pains, sleep issues, cuts, sunburn, burns, headaches, dry skin, bacteria, cramps, and fevers.

Lavender is one of Rachel’s favorite oils to diffuse due to is aromatic properties. She has also added it to her diffuser to aid relaxation and even tried it as an alternative to deodorant.

Peace and Calming – A soothing blend that children are often drawn to. It can be used to ease hyperactivity, tension, sleeplessness, moodiness, stress, child sleep, anxiety, and nerves.

Rachel diffused Peace and Calming in the baby’s room to ease her irritability after her routine vaccinations.

Check back tomorrow to learn more about Pam and Young Living Essential Oils.

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