Onward and Upward

It is hard to move on.

It is hard to let go of things we love, even when we feel a tugging on our heart strings to move in a different direction.

This past year (not just 2018…2017 too) has been hard. I can’t put my finger on it, but something is harder. I don’t know if it’s age, or my oldest being in Kinder, but it hasn’t been an easy time. We are happy and healthy and very blessed, yet still, I felt the need to make a change.

So I did.

After 4 incredible years as a Fit4Mom instructor, I said good-bye to a job I loved and a community I cherish. As bittersweet as this change has been, I know I did it for the right reasons. For my family.

A few favorite memories from my years with Fit4Mom.

My last class.

No, I don’t know what is next, but sometimes we have to take that first step in to the unknown to see what is coming. To be ready to be used by God. To grow. To find a new purpose. A new passion.

I didn’t always feel this way. Growth is hard. And, yes change is scary. But always worth it. In this season of “what’s next?” I have peace knowing that God is in control. I am so grateful that alongside my fitness job, I have been building an incredible opportunity for my family with my #BlessinginaBox community. I am able to offer health and wellness solutions to families, while also helping families cast a vision for more time and financial freedom. I have met so many incredible people and I am learning valuable life lessons as I create a business focused on serving others. I love that my own journey to make an extra income for my family can impact others at the same time! Our group is writing the stories of lives and goals and passions changed, of purpose restored as we build up ourselves and our communities. This has been my foundation for staying fueled and focused with purpose, even as my circumstances have changed.

I am ready, willing, and excited to see what is next!