October Challenge

Hey, friends! Happy October.

Can you believe we are at the last 90 days of 2019? I mean, CRAZY right?

We want to finish this year strong and set the stage for the year to come so we were thrilled when we saw that one of our Instagram besties was doing a fun challenge. First off, you need to follow @todaysthebestday seriously great content and such a good reminder to find the BEST in your own life journey while doing life with others!!!

So…the challenge. You can find all the details HERE

This challenge is all about living your days with intention, finding joy in every day, and making memories. What I also love about this challenge is we are being encouraged to do this with OTHERS. I don’t know about you, but I am in such a stage of live where I have to be super intentional about making time for others. It is so easy to just take the kids to school, run errands, workout, pick kids up, do homework, make dinner, repeat. But that’s not living. It’s just doing.

We really want to strengthen our relationships as part of this challenge. Of course, a big part of that will be spending that intentional time with your own family, but I love the idea of inviting others along to do this challenge alongside you or beside you! Us sisters don’t see each other as much as we’d like, so this challenge will be a great way for us to do something together. In fact, this is the very reason we started this blog! To stay connected in each other’s lives, while also connecting with YOU and others around us.

We would love for you to do this challenge with us. We will be sharing daily posts with the activities we’ve chosen. If you join for the whole month, or even a few days tag us so we know you are here alongside us!!

Let us encourage each other to LIVE IN THE NOW with joy!