Monthly Baby Photos

I am learning more and more how fast little babies grow up. These past 7 months with my second have flown by! Luckily, I have had a fun method in place to track the months since my first was born:

A monthly baby photo shoot.

I love giraffes, so I chose a giraffe theme for my monthly baby photo shoot. Each month I take a picture of my girls with giraffes numbering the number of months old they are. This has been a fun way for me to keep track of their “month birthdays” and an easy way to watch how much they grow month to month.

I did this for Elliana and I am now carrying on the tradition with Hanna.

Here are some of the pictures I have taken for Hanna. Count the giraffes to figure out her age!

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For fun I even did an 18 and 21 month photo shoot for Elliana. (Yes I have that many giraffes!)

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Here are a few tips to start your own photo tradition. Many of these I have picked up from my creative friends.

1. Pick an animal or character to collect each month for your photos.

2. (This one I learned later on with Hanna) Pick an outfit that can grow with them, or an outfit that is easy to buy in different sizes, so you can really see how much they change month to month.

3. Take a picture in the same location or on the same piece of furniture to watch how they grow.

4. Buy “monthly milestone stickers” on Etsy from another online vendor.

5. Use blocks or toy letter to spell out the number of months.

Whatever idea you choose, having a fun plan in place will help you stay organized to capture these monthly memories.

Do you take monthly photos? What do you do for your photo shoots?