Making Time for Mama

Hands in the air if making time for YOU, mama, is hard.

We feel you. It is hard to find time to breathe, let alone actual time to do things for yourself.

You might be in one of those sink or swim survival seasons of life. If so, this might not be advice for you. However, I hope that you will find some things you can incorporate into your life to find a little more of yourself in the mama juggle struggle.

Mamas, I know firsthand how hard it can be to think of yourself. You are raising tiny humans or maybe even bigger humans that require your time and attention. But you know what? You CAN be a great mama and wife and still be a great person. But that person, yes YOU, needs time too.

Here are a few tips that are working for me in this season of life.

  1. Do things you like WITH your kids. 

The benefit here is you are doing things you enjoy and sharing that enjoyment with your kids. It is really important to show your kids things that are important to you and even cooler that you can do it together! Also, no need for childcare. YEAH!!

I love working out, so for many years Fit4Mom was an excellent way for me to share fitness with my kids. I taught classes too, which allowed me to teach (one of my passions) with my kids there with me!!

2. Do things YOU like. PERIOD.

For this one, it’s ok if your kids are tagging along or on the sidelines. They can watch! Goodness knows we will spend many many hours of our time watching our kids do things they love, and they can do the same. Again, you are showing them something that is important to you and they get to watch you work hard or do something you love!

3. Ask for help.

This is a hard one for me, but it is really important. We can’t do it all. Say it with me. “We can’t do it all.” And it isn’t selfish to ask for help. And don’t only ask for help so you can go to the doctor or the dentist. Ask for help so you can go do something fun!!

4. Think about things you like to do.

What do you like to do? This may have changed since you have kids and that’s ok. Think about things you like to do so you can apply 1-3 and fit it in your schedule. Figure out if it is something you can do with your kids, something where they can watch, or where you need to be alone. But make these things a priority. That doesn’t mean you do them every day, but it should mean you make time for it.

5. Try new things.

You might be in a season where you really don’t know what would be fun or special for you anymore. That’s ok!! This might be a great opportunity to try something new. Take a new workout class, try a crafting class, or search local events happening in your area.


I always try to think that if I’m feeling something, it is very likely something else is feeling that way to. I am almost certain there are moms you know struggling to find time for themselves. So how about teaming up to try something new together or to take turns watching each other’s kids? Life is always more fun with friends and we never know who is praying and hoping for someone to reach out and invite them to something.

7. Budget time for you in your budget.

Moms, we have enough guilt in our life we do not need to add more. A great way to help you feel better about doing these things is to budget for it. Talk to your spouse about what you might like to start doing for yourself. Figure out how much it will cost every week or every month and set that money aside! That is a great way to give yourself the permission to DO IT!

8. Have more fun.

You might not have any room for more in your life. I get that. But we can have more fun. Put on music while you clean and dance around the house, listen to a podcast while driving, cut your kids food into fancy shapes or make more meals together, GET OUTSIDE (this is always a good one to change my mood). I find myself getting caught up something in all the things we “have” to do and realize even if we have to do it, we can turn it into a fun time together!!

I would love to know how you make time for you in your season of life. What is working? What doesn’t work? Tell us in the comments we would love to know!