Love Challenge for a Great Marriage

This past Sunday at church we heard a powerful sermon titled, “5 Keys to a Great Marriage.” I loved the sermon and took lots of notes since these words on marriage are direct from the marriage expert himself- G-O-D.

The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” -Genesis 2:18


1. Marriage is God’s Design

Did you know that marriage represents THE most important relationship of all: the relationship between Christ and His church.

2. Treat Your Spouse with Love and Respect

It is important to remember that love is a cycle, a relationship between two people. Often when we aren’t getting something we want, it stems from us not GIVING what the other person needs. It works like this: wives want love and husbands want respect. If a wife isn’t getting the love she wants, rather than think, “My husband isn’t loving me like I need him to.” Think about your role. The only person you can control is YOU, so take a look at what you are doing. Are you showing your husband the respect he needs so that he can in turn show you the love you need?

3. You Need a lot of Forgiveness

You and your spouse are flawed. Show them grace and forgiveness because there is FREEDOM in forgiveness.


I also loved the challenge the pastor gave us at the end. He told us to do these 2 things:

1. Say one nice thing to your spouse every day. “I love you because…”

2. Do one nice thing a day for your spouse.

These might seem like simple things to do, but sometimes it’s the simple things that can have the greatest impact. Sometimes it is easy to get in a cycle of letting life get in the way of loving our spouse – you are tired, kids are demanding…you just forget how important two little things can be. How important it is to TELL your spouse you love them and SHOW your spouse you love them with your actions.

For the challenge this week I chose to take on a chore that I usually let my husband do every evening: the dishes. After doing the dishes all day I enjoy letting my husband take on this task for me, but I realized this was something I could easily do for him and I have enjoyed serving him in this way.

So now it’s your turn! Are you up for the challenge? Share with us what you are going to do this next week for your spouse.

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