Juggling “Me Time” and “Us Time”

Finding time for yourself as a mom can be nearly impossible. Emphasis on the “nearly,” because as much as it SEEMS impossible, it is possible. You might have to be a little more creative and willing to INTENTIONALLY carve out that time, but you CAN do it.

Today, I had work I needed to do. I work from home on this blog, building my Isagenix business with my amazing team, and with the little that’s left lead a Girl Scout troop of Daisy girls. Oh and of course first and foremost I’m a mom of 3.

Something that I’ve found that helps me juggle my time is being intentional. I’m trying to write down and schedule the things I need to do every day so I stay focused. I set an intention to complete the things on my list. I am also intentional about time. After I picked up the girls from school I knew I had some things to get done. I told the girls that I needed 30 minutes to work in my office. I set a timer because I told them 30 minutes, which meant I was going to do as much as I could with focus for those 30 minutes.

After the 30 minutes I was intentional about spending time with the girls. My 2 youngest were having fun playing together and my oldest had homework to do. It has been rough finding the time and energy to do homework after a full day of school, so I decided to make a little time for the two of us to do something together first.

I wanted to try a new muffin recipe so we baked together. I told her that she needed to do her homework after we were done, setting my expectations before we started. It was quick and fun and just the two of us. Homework was completed after because she knew what I had asked her to do.

It wasn’t easy breezy and free of flaws and mishaps, but I felt really good about juggling some time for me and some time for us. I have learned that being more intentional about the need for both times separately helps me feel more focused during the times I’ve set aside. Feeling focused during me time or us time also lets me be present and gives me permission to just BE.

P.S. The muffins turned out REALLY good too. Check them out from Wellness Mama. We added 3 TBS cocoa powder to our batter and a few chocolate chips to the top of each muffin before we baked them.

What helps you juggle ME time and US time as a parent?