
Switchback at the base of Cape Smokey, Cabot Trail, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.

Is your day so scheduled that you have no room for anything else? Do you run from one thing to the next? Is your vision so focused just so you can get through your day? Is there room for spontaneity? Where’s the space for anything else that may come your way? What if we were open to having our world interrupted. What if we weren’t so set on our own schedule that we could “interrupt” someone else’s world (in a good way)?

Let’s look at Acts chapter 8. The church was growing. The gospel was spreading. The apostles were journeying to new places. They were willing to leave their comfortable place. They were obedient to go without knowing the exact destination or the future. They were determined. They knew their purpose. They were set in their obedience and their journey, but not set in their schedule. They were willing to listen to the Holy Spirit’s promptings. They were willing to step out in faith. They were looking to see God in the unique things that happened on the journey. They were open to opportunity.

The Ethiopian in Acts chapter 8 was not someone that Philip would ordinary seek out. But Philip heard him reading and went to him. Philip was not preoccupied with what he wanted for himself or what his own plan held. Philip was willing to listen to the Lord. Philip got the opportunity to help the Ethiopian. He got to help him not only understand the gospel, but baptize him in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As soon as the Ethiopian understood the good news of Jesus and wanted to instantly take action in his own life. He didn’t see any reason why he wouldn’t be baptized. Now that he understood the truth, there was only one way to live. If Philip hadn’t been willing to go to him, the Ethiopian would have never known the good news and would have never experienced transformed life.

The crazy thing about this story is the disappearing act at the end.  As soon as Philip baptized the Ethiopian, the Spirit of the Lord took Philip away.  I don’t understand exactly how this would have happened or what took place after this event.  But it didn’t seem to matter. What is important is that Philip was taken out of the picture. It wasn’t about Philip. It was about the Lord. The Lord just used Philip in his plan.

As we follow Christ, he is going to bring circumstances in which he wants to use us. But it isn’t about us. It is all about the Lord. It is about His plan and His purpose. But He cannot use us if we are not willing. So we have to be open to opportunity. Be obedient to follow. Go on a journey. Let the Lord lead. Take the next step. Take action. Be obedient to listen to the Holy Spirit and look for Jesus. And take a risk. Be uncomfortable. Be willing.

LOOK FOR INTERRUPTIONS. Let people interrupt you, or interrupt someone else.

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