Influence of being together


This is a simple picture, but I love it. A family, holding hands, TOGETHER. There is a reason storks don’t just drop babies off in the middle of nowhere to fend for themselves. (Disclaimer: there is a bigger reason that storks don’t drop off babies at all, but for purpose of this paragraph, we will use that picture… and for those of you who think that is actually where babies come from, you may want to do a little research on your own… :)) But getting back to my point. When babies are born, they were created to be taken care of. Hopefully, they are born into a family. And if not, we hope they are placed in a family or having a loving father or mother that will care for them. We were created to be in relationship, in community, TOGETHER. The structure of a family is a picture of togetherness. (Now not all families act in this way, but there is a reason family is a unit. It is supposed to act together). Parents have a role in caring for children, and bringing them up into a world as a unique individual, but still as a part of the family. We were not meant to figure it all out on our own. We were not meant to be alone. When a baby is born, he or she needs to be fed, changed, nurtured, taught, disciplined, and loved.  There is a process of growing and developing that parents have the privilege of walking with their child and cultivating the person they are becoming. There are many many lessons learned along the way from both sides, as parents, and children. But through it all, we learn TOGETHER.

But here’s the problem: We live in this individualistic culture that preaches that you should be fully capable on your own. Obviously, the world knows babies need a little help. But how young does the culture seem to infiltrate the mind of children. It screams at us that we do not need anyone else; that you are a superstar, you can be successful as long as you beat everyone else out, and you are better than others. It takes over and disregards the gift of family, friends, and being in community together. There is a measure of truth to being able to function on your own, obviously, we shouldn’t seek to always live off our parents or family or friends forever… So yes, grow up, be your own person. Have passions, desires, and goals. It is okay to want to be someone. But we are still meant to do life together. We aren’t supposed to be isolated in our own little worlds that all we see if our own two feet or the computer screen in front of us. Life is meant to be lived out with people face to face, not just talked about on Facebook.  We need to be out in community, in relationship, and spending time with people. The culture and foundation of a family and the value of friendship should teach you principles of letting people in to your life and loving other people.

Easter is a week and a half away. I keep picturing the Passover dinner Jesus had with his disciples before he was crucified. He knew he was about to die, but he still wanted to spend his last precious moments with his “family”. He never thought he was above them or too good to spend time with them. He brought them into his life, and by doing that, they were abundantly blessed. He was God, and did he try to do life on his own? No… he had people in his life that he continued to put around him, ask to spend time with him, and open up to them. He did not want to do life on his own. He gave people the privilege and opportunity to be in his life. He also had the privilege of doing life with others. It is two fold. When you open up and invest in people, they desire to do the same back to you. And both sides benefit. Friendships and relationships change you, challenge you, and shape you. There are certain people in your life that will celebrate with you in the high moments, and hold you up in the hard moments.

Walk with people through life. Share your story. Listen to others stories. Be free in relationship. Let your heart love. Let your heart be broken. Let your heart forgive. Live. Don’t hold it in. This Easter and Spring season get in touch with your heart, listen to your soul, and desire to do life together. There are people around you that want the same thing. So step outside yourself. Whether its planning a party, going to a new thing, or making a phone call, do life TOGETHER.

How can you live life together? What do you do in your life that brings togetherness?

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