Honoring Dad

This Sunday is Father’s Day. I found myself thinking of how I could celebrate my husband this Father’s Day. My first thoughts were easy things such as a nap, a favorite meal or dessert, and maybe a movie. However, as I sat down to write this post I realized that this holiday can be so much more than just a day. It reminded me that I need to be honoring my husband every day, not just one day a year. With two small children I feel like I am barely surviving each day. Most days, when my husband comes home, I am exhausted from constant crying and failures (in my perception). It is so easy to unload all of my feelings of inadequacy on him, or to expect that he is home to “save the day” and take over for me. It isn’t easy, and most days I don’t do this, but I am trying to honor my husband with five daily goals:

1. To remember that my husband has also had a long day. His day is different than mine, yes, but a long day nonetheless.

2. To be happy when he comes home. (This is the biggest thing I have to work on right now)

3. To have the house “clean.” By “clean,” I mean do a quick pick up 5-10 minutes before your husband gets home. Just put away as much of the clutter that has accumulated throughout the day. If you have a toddler, like me, you know this is hard. Toy bins are your friend. I don’t organize everything, I just throw everything in bins and the toy box so it “looks” clean. The nice thing about this quick cleaning method is tomorrow, your tot can have fun taking it all out again!

4. Allow him to have some fun time with the kids. The run around screaming, tickling, throwing in the air kind of fun.

5. Discuss this one with your husband. Ask him to tell you ONE thing you can do to make coming home easier for him. Maybe that is having dinner cooked, or maybe it is dressing yourself in non-pajama clothes and brushing your hair. Maybe, like me, it is working on being happy when your husband walks through the door. Whatever it is, honor your husband by doing that thing for him as many days as you can. Even if your day was long and hard, find happiness in what you do and say for your husband.

“An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.” – Proverbs 31:10-12

In what ways do you honor your husband. In what ways it is hard for you to honor your husband?

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