Hesed-Showing Lovingkindness this Thanksgiving

“HESED”-Showing Lovingkindness this ThanksgivingIMG_1294“Hesed” is the Hebrew word for loving-kindness and steadfast love. Hesed is a word used in the Old Testament to describe God’s covenant love for His people. In the book of Exodus 34 God is described as merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love (hesed) and faithfulness. Hesed is more than LOVE, it infers a loyalty that is not fleeting or transitory. Hesed is best described as we look at the character of the God of the bible. He is a covenant keeping God; faithful, merciful, full of grace, kindness and loyalty. His love is freely given, not out of obligation or duty, but because of His desire to express His character to His beloved children.

During this month of November, I like to keep my mind focused on all the people and circumstances in my life that I can be grateful and thankful for. My husband, daughters, SILs and grandchildren are at the top of my list of gratefulness. It is a joy to serve them and show them steadfast love. This Thanksgiving season, I want to show kindness to others outside of my family as well, not out of duty or obligation, not to gain anything in return. I want to be an ambassador of God’s hesed, a messenger of hope and joy.Image

I have posted a few times this past month about Gogo Grandmothers. (to see previous posts about Gogo Grandmothers and how to participate in Hesed love projectsclick here). Working with this organization gives me an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus and to show God’s hesed love to orphans and widows.FullSizeRender-6 My heart is connected with these beautiful people even though I have not met them. I have a sense of true joy and hope for them as I work alongside my Gogo Grandmothers team mates and fellow board members to freely show loving-kindness without any sense of obligation or duty and with no expectations to ever be rewarded for my kindness. The reward is the satisfaction and love I feel in my heart. The reward is in the hesed love I feel from my Lord each and everyday. We now have access to a 14 minute video showing how to put our Love in Action in a tangible way to benefit the Gogo Grandmothers and the orphans they serve. 

Check out the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLBqzy_tZa8. You will be blessed and maybe your heart will be moved to show lovingkindness and “HESED” love to these Gogos this Thanksgiving!!! I want to encourage and challenge you to find a way to show Hesed love. Pick someone you know and show kindness to them in a practical way-you will be establishing a worthwhile legacy.

Who will you show HESED love to this Thanksgiving season?

Kerry Signature48